Kirik - implementation of smart contracts for systems on blockchain

in #kirik7 years ago


What are the difficulties with the introduction of artificial intelligence?

The development of new Internet technologies has led to the emergence of a cryptographic market. Today, the world is ready for changes that may occur in the very near future. In particular, the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies will provide an opportunity to enter a new level of modernization for many industries. Modern computers will be able to more efficiently and accurately carry out specialized work related to the calculation of accurate data and obtaining the required information. The high speed and absence of errors in the operation of these systems will contribute to the development of a large number of companies.

However, along with the positive aspects of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies, there are also negative aspects. Thus, the development of automated systems will lead to a reduction in physical jobs. Intelligent machines will occupy place of people. After all, intelligent software will allow you to solve any problems faster and more efficiently. First of all, it will affect the scope of services, such as healthcare, transportation, call centers, delivery services. However, here there are certain nuances. The technology of artificial intelligence does not yet have clear connections and is not deeply embedded in current business processes. New smart contracts will be required to build a single system.

The KIRIK project on the blockchain is designed to clarify and streamline the development of technological progress.

What will change with the implementation of the KIRIK platform on the blockchain?

The crypto-currency project KIRIK, according to the idea of ​​the developers, will become a kind of bridge that will be able to unite artificial intelligence and human beings. New smart system contracts will be a semantic model. This will provide an opportunity to build business processes without the programming stage, and, therefore, experience and in-depth knowledge of the subjects will not be required. Artificial intelligence and innovation will be available to most users. Smart contracts can be created quite easily and quickly on the basis of developed templates.

Similarly, various decentralized systems that unite companies, entire industries and customers will interact effectively.

The KIRIK platform will help people to intuitively perceive smart contracts, providing an opportunity to independently determine the type of block registry required without binding to a specific blockchain network.

The main advantages of the KIRIK project:

  • the ability to directly monitor business processes taking into account the preferences and individual features of the company's development;
  • the optimal version of the introduction of artificial intelligence in a certain industry based on modeling;
  • the ability to connect participants who do not have programming skills and specialized knowledge to the process;
  • protection of personal data through the system of blockchain and smart contracts;
  • eliminating the shortcomings of existing centralized networks.


To date, the development of artificial intelligence technology opens up broad prospects for many industries. However, this trend will entail the development of a new type of agreement - smart contracts. Thanks to the KIRIK platform, smart contracts will be available to a large number of users. Therefore, investors should take a closer look at this project.

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