Manifesto Anti- Kitsch
Part 2 - To Be and To Have
The Kitsch is a typical product of modernity and modernization, generated by economic development to HAVE and preventing the evolution to BE.
The Kitsch is therefore the effect of modern capitalist democracy in arts, which leads to a lowering of the standards, due to the increase of bored consumers, who try to appear what they Are not, but what they Have.
In this "hypocracy" of lust, where artistic productions are increasingly numerous and merit is dwindling, in which artists and even scientists cultivate what is IN, what and is considered beautiful, fashionable or marketable, making Appearances more important that Reality.
Thus the main causes of corruption of artistic taste are demand for status, social display and consumerism by the spirit of ostentation.
"All of life is a dispute over taste and tasting.
Art is the proper task of life.
Art raises its head where creeds relax.
Faith: not wanting to know what is true.
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. "
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900)
Next Chapters :
3 - Kitsch and Politika (Politics)
4 - The "Kitsch -Man"
5 - The Cult is Kitsch vs. Kitsch is Cult
6 - Culture, Kitsch and Power
Bingo! This is what woke me up from ”the matrix” of mainstream social media.
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