progress! progress! hurrah. and hugs. raw mince and eveporated (condenced? we name it so) milk and your hands are best doctors!!
progress! progress! hurrah. and hugs. raw mince and eveporated (condenced? we name it so) milk and your hands are best doctors!!
Here, condensed milk is the very sweet stuff, definitely not for kittens but evaporated milk is just double-thick milk. Yes, he is doing well and eating normally again
ah, ok, thank you for correcting me. (we limit the condenced milk consumption for our kitty in like, the finger-dipped-and-licked quantaties on some unregular basis).
double-thick - is it smth like 5-6% milk ?..
If you add the same amount of water as in the tin, you'll get normal milk consistency
Yes, an occasional tiny bit on the finger does no harm