Support a small family business?

in #kitty6 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone, just moved into a new apartment. Looking to refurnish, purge and set up my sewing space for my lingerie production! I just need a few things first... the post following this one will have a campaign link to gofund me. You can either support me here, or support my gofund me account to help me achieve my goal for new sewing equipment to produce the new line of clothing, dance wear and love harnesses.

As you would already know by following my patreon, you can find yourself some pretty decent adult content... you just need to pay on the correct pier... example...

$1 pier is personal blogs about my progress in my small business adventuew and idea sharing..

$5 pier is Adult Product reviews.

$10 pier is Not Safe For Work. Still on the soft side, but may contain nudity or partial nudity.

$20 gets you toy demonstrations.

But for now.. how about a cat picture or 2... or 3..




Thank you for following ❤☠❤☠❤☠❤

Lady, Kimii Mercury.