What makes you think that this is CGI? And what would an image of the Earth have to look like for you to not think its fake? Or are you just going to deny every image ever shown to you? In which case there's no point now, is there?
Some photos are composites, yes, as most satellites aren't far enough out to take a complete photo all in one go, so they take many different pictures of areas of the globe then composite them together.
The photos I'm linking are not composites they are single image photos, taken from the DSCOVR spacecraft.
So, no, nothing to do with that video you linked.
Typical flat earth response though...
Flat Earther: "Show me a picture of the Earth from space!" <gets shown a picture of the earth from space> Flat Earther: "FAKE CGI PHOTOSHOP!"
As I said before, I don't believe there's anything I could show you that you wouldn't scream fake at, so why bother?
What makes you think that this is CGI? And what would an image of the Earth have to look like for you to not think its fake? Or are you just going to deny every image ever shown to you? In which case there's no point now, is there?
Some photos are composites, yes, as most satellites aren't far enough out to take a complete photo all in one go, so they take many different pictures of areas of the globe then composite them together.
The photos I'm linking are not composites they are single image photos, taken from the DSCOVR spacecraft.
So, no, nothing to do with that video you linked.
Typical flat earth response though...
Flat Earther: "Show me a picture of the Earth from space!"
<gets shown a picture of the earth from space>
As I said before, I don't believe there's anything I could show you that you wouldn't scream fake at, so why bother?