Hello, @ubongj. There are many ways to contribute to knacksteem project.
- You could contribute as a user posting using our front-end
- You could delegate to the project and receive weekly incentive as a sponsor both in Steem and knack tokens (KNT)
- You could also contribute by signing up to become a reviewer on our platform. And so much more.
Please consider going through our previous blogs (@knacksteem.org) to learn more about the project.
Can I start doing all these already??
Are they up and running??
The front end?
The weekly incentive?? ( Delegated already)
The platform??
Yes. You can already start contributing via our front-end. Click here to explore the project.
Yes. We will release an update very soon. Please stay tuned.
We appreciate your support. Our next update will provide enough information on how to access your token.