The extension-teaching methods are the instruments and techniques used to influence conditions in which correspondence to can happen between the nation individuals and the extension workers. They are the methods of extending new data and capacities to the commonplace individuals by drawing their thought towards them, empowering their preference and helping them to have a powerful difficulty of the new practice. A honest to goodness understanding of these methods and their assurance for a particular sort of work are indispensable.
Portrayal of extension teaching methods
One method for organizing the extension methods is according to their use and nature of contact. By the day's end, paying little respect to whether they are used for contacting individuals individually, in groups or in masses. In perspective of contact, they are disconnected into individual, group and mass-contact methods.
Individual-contact method-Extension methods under this characterization offer opportunities to very close or individual to-individual contact between the rural individuals and the extension workers. These methods are outstandingly effective in teaching new aptitudes and making liberality amongst farmers and the extension workers.
Group-contact methods-Under this class, the provincial individuals or agriculturists are come to in a group which generally includes 20 to 25 individuals. These groups are for the most part adjusted to a normal interest. These methods furthermore incorporate a very close contact with the overall public and allow to the exchanging of contemplations, for chats on issues and concentrated recommendations and finally to choose the future strategy.
Mass or group contact method - An extension worker needs to approach a significant number of individuals for disseminating another information and helping them to use it. this ought to be conceivable through mass-contact methods accommodatingly. These methods are more significant for making individuals aware of the new provincial advancement quickly.
Imperative extension-teaching methods under these 3 classes are recorded in the going with chart.
Individual contacts
Group contacts
Mass contacts
Property and home visits
Method show and result presentation
Takes note
Office calls
National display pioneer getting ready social events
Telephone calls
Get-togethers and trade social affairs and workshops
Indirect letters and radio
Individual letters
Field trips
Extension-teaching methods are furthermore grouped by their structures, for instance, made, talked and changing media. A part of the basic methods under each one of these 3 groupings are given in Chart 2
Course of action of extension-teaching methods according to their casing
Objective or visual
Takes note
General and uncommon social affairs
Result appearing
Leaflets,folders,News articles
Estate and home visits
Indicating blurbs
Individual letters
Official calls
Film or movies, charts
Round letters
Telephone calls, radio
Slides and film-strips,models,exhibits