Wealth Is Not Happiness, Wealth Is a Responsibility

in #knowledge7 years ago

When I did not have any money, $500 was a great sum for me. Now I'm thinking of bigger sums of money, $ 100 million is my next goal. Money can help in life, living better lives, visiting the most beautiful parts of the world, and helping the family and others. When I did not have any money, I thought that every problem could be solved with money, but I realized that money can not make us happy, but can remove many things that make us unhappy. When we do not have money, we feel bad, but when we have a lot of money then we have more responsibilities. Money has its own rules, responsibility is high, and money-power laws act stronger at higher levels.

Money is energy that has its own rules, if we respect the laws that act, then we will have the money in abundance. People place a plain material logic over cosmic and natural laws, and then they wonder why a whole life runs for money.
Money comes to people who have responsibility, who have a plan and a vision of the future. We can only have as much money as our responsibility. Material success makes life easier, but it does not give the real freedom we really want. We need to make the balance of all success, happiness and desire, this is a crucial moment for a joyful and good life.
Sometimes I thought that with fortune I would be fortunate, today I see that happiness does not buy with money.

We have many battles that are waiting for us, ahead of us is a future that has its own obstacles and challenges. Responsibility means preparing ourselves for future challenges, anticipating some steps and working on them today. The balance between material, spiritual, emotional and physical goals is the most important condition for true happiness. If you are rich, but you do not have good health, or you have family problems, you can not be completely happy. In order to achieve a balance, we must work on our character, knowledge and habits. Man is an emotional being that makes decisions based on ego, the mind is a machine that keeps us constantly from idea to idea. Our mission is to achieve peace and it comes when we become commanders of our mind.

Make your personal development plan for each part of the life aspect. Identify the key points for your life's ambitions, write down all the major desires that are fulfilling you, but the most important thing is to find your spiritual peace, spiritual calmness. When you have peace then you are satisfied with your life, this is the most important thing we are looking for a whole life. When we choose a responsible life, we realize that the real wealth is above money and material freedom. We move the boundaries to a higher level of consciousness, we begin to enjoy the benefits of life, this is the real success.

Believe in yourself @dobartim


Good article and good next goal($ 100 million).
Must be remembered - "Money can help in life"

Thank you my friend

When we struggle with a bad economy as we have had of late we feel that being able to make a lot of money will solve everything. As your very thoughtful post reminds us money is only a tool that we use to make things run smoother.

Exactly sir wealth can't buy love and air to breath, as money may sometimes cause of crimes and evilness. Thus, it is responsibility for those aiming good status in community. As money is the main media of any trading, money ruled us as human.

Wealth alone certainly won't make you happy. Even if your the richest person in the world, you would also be the loneliest if you don't have a family, lover and true friends. You can only see the value of money if you use it to help others and do good. Thank for the inspirational post . Good day to you.

Solomon in the Bible only gets to say 'vanity upon vanity' after the man has experienced it all. So you don't get up everyday feeding on those words, you ve got to fight for the experience as well. #MMM (moneymustbemade)

Money has its role to play, but I also don't think money is everything. No matter how wealthy we are, it means nothing if we aren't healthy.
Very nice article

Thanks for kind comment

We can always make more money, but we can't make more time. We have to enjoy our lives while we're still able. But of course, that will most likely require money ;P It's almost like an endless cycle. But memories can be created with both large and small sums of money.

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.

I agree!
People who aren't "rich" think that people who have money have no problems in their life. But then after you become rich you realise that there's so much more to life than just money. Managing your money becomes a very huge problem and also to deal with people who aren't trustworthy is a huge problem.

I agree, money doesn't necessarily mean happiness. But it can remove things that make you unhappy

Like 20 years ago or something i was pressuring my mom to buy me more toys and stuff like that. I thought i would be very happy with these toys but mom told me something and i never forget that. ''whats the difference between a happiness of a homeless man when he gets one bread and happiness of a rich CEO to get paid 500k for bonus payment.''

Thank you for exellent comment

Even the holy book agrees that "money" answereth all, but y'all needs to be care because it turns out to be a two aged sword...Thank you for your words sir...i've never regreted following you.

Happines cannot be bought, but being poor sure doesn't make you happy too.
Is that your lady on the boat? ;-) Good for you!

I like your post deargood job dear @dobartim

How to be responsible with wealth

According to the research, nearly 70 percent of ultra-wealthy inheritors will become more involved in evaluating the impact and results of giving. Half will become more directly involved in improving the effectiveness of philanthropic endeavors.

While family offices are seeing an evolution in charitable tactics, evidence suggests that core values are largely inherited – with almost 90 percent indicating the influence of parents or other family members. Ironically, roughly 40 percent still report frequent disagreements with family members regarding lifestyle choices – including philanthropic decisions. With this in mind, it’s hardly surprising that 75 percent are interested in learning how other ultra-wealthy families approach philanthropy.

“Balancing family obligations, personal and professional goals, and charitable activities can be a herculean task for any individual alone. The multifamily office sector is facilitating meaningful discussions within exceptional wealthy communities, creating new opportunities for socially responsible investing. A growing desire to align investment performance and charitable interests is evident in increasing allocations to activist alternative funds, as well as a growing appetite for affinity oriented impact investing,” said Flynn.

To achieve charitable ambitions necessitates having the drive as well as knowledge and skills. It’s quite evident that many of ultra-wealthy inheritors are astoundingly motivated to tackle their responsibilities – though not at the expense of wealth accumulation efforts. About 85 percent of ultra-wealthy inheritors remain strongly motivated to become significantly wealthier. As research indicates, these goals are today are not perceived to be mutually exclusive.

Source - https://www.forbes.com/sites/russalanprince/2015/01/26/with-great-wealth-comes-great-responsibility/


Sorry for the content, just wanted to add what i read sometime ago.

I support you until the end very nice post @dobartim

nice post

@dobartim- "money is energy that has it's own rules" great words. I might use that someday.

very good post thx for nice words

Well said wealth is freedom : ) dobartim

i agree with you , wealth is a responsibility , but we cant buy happiness with money

totally agree with you really

Very helpful article for everyone :)

Learning d responsibilities of enrichment slowly and hardly

money cannot make you rich but your heart can...

Funny bt very true sir

What a marvellous post and meaningful, I'm sure we can all relate. $100 Million is a good goal to have, I wish you Great Fortune, Abundance, Good Health & Happiness on your journey!