The antelope is mammal found in Africa ,
Asia and parts of the Americas.
There are some different species of antelope including the tiny Royal antelope that stands at the height of a rabbit
#Phylum: Chordata Class: mammalia
#Order: brtiodactyla Family: bovidae
#Genus: antilopinae
#Scientific Name: alcelaphinae Type: Mammal
#Diet: Herbivore size ): 1 m - 1.5 m ( 3 - 5 ft)
(( 1,100 lbs - 2,000 lbs)) speed: 70 km /h ( 43 mph )
#Weight: 500 kg - 900 kg
#Life Span: 10 - 25 years Lifestyle: Herd
#Conservation Status: Least Concern
#Color: Brown, Red, Tan Skin Type: Fur
#Food: Grass Habitat: Forest & grasslands
#Average Size: 1 Main Prey: Grass, Shoots, Seeds
#Predators: Lion, Cheetah & Crocodile Distinctive Features: Long legs and curved antlers
So beautiful and majestic <3
thank you ! it is big complement for me,
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