Nothing that is is what it seems to be, be aware of alter reality. Where you get stuck is where you land. Kudos to the owl imagist.
Continuance is in order. The crypto-fiction of the weigh knew radio program combines game theory with group theory and chaos theory with Gaia theory, all set on a backdrop of science fiction themes from art and literature. Today's story impacts tomorrow's future by changing yesterday's past - a phenomena known as the Mandela Effect.
There are three descending timelines and five ascending timelines at the present moment. You are on a single timeline based upon your individual belief system - if what you know is fractured, you may be on a facsimile earth that combines two or more timelines. Your conscious recognition is necessary to establish both your time line and your time constant.
The golden mean ratio is the basis set for a 60-40 percent distribution of the likelihood of things. The two major axis give two primary choices, the yin and the yang. If you flip a coin, you have a chance that it could land on its edge - not likely, but possible. In some continuum on some timeline - that actually occurs. Probability is the likelyhood of each choice landing - there is always a unique tangent of reality.
Mathematics for the 20th century involved analytical geometry and fixed numbers. Math in the 21st century is about sacred geometry and imaginary numbers. Matrix algebra allows transformation of reality based on the concept of eye - the square route of minus one. If you look at the language - the embedded use of mathematical language to mean things other than their proper definition is a major part of the obfuscation. The use of spells is all about language.
SevenEves is the book that contains the space narrative. The armageddon narrative brings a mad max meets the blade runnerin a dystopic scenario set in 1984. The temperature might reach Fahrenheit 451, since the gulag archipelago just appeared on the Baltic coast. All past fiction creates a potential modern day reality. Select authors travel back in time, because they couldn't break through the morphogenic field to get ahead. Those here today from tomorrow set the stage to recreate yesterday - it all depends upon your scale of thinking within the realm of possibility.
How is a chord different from a secant? Must a chord begin at the pink line? That's the only difference I see between them.