The Art of Self-Discovery: This is really me.

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Behind a beautiful and resplendent smile, behind a gait that looked up, I was, really repressed trying to see the world from a different perspective, trying to observe everything from a distant angle to not get involved, so they will not hurt me.

I am a Venezuelan emigrant, residence in Spain, I fled from my country because of a crisis beyond the economic crisis that everyone knows, I fled from me, from my fears, from a terrible and overwhelming loneliness.

The days that preceded that decision were hard, but here I am, trying to get to know me, trying to rediscover myself and trying to rebuild myself.

And there I go again, whole or in pieces, but there I go. (Frida Khalo)

I thank @tamacvet for this initiative, for inviting us to analyze and reflect on the importance of self-discovery and what this leads us to learn.

Tamara with love my answers for you

Why do I think it's important to Autodiscover yourself?

Knowing and recognizing our defects and limitations allow us to work on them, to make and enumerate the dreams rooted in the heart, longings and illusions make us paint wings of hope in the soul and fly after them.

We would have to be courageous and make an analysis that starts from the inside to know what are the positive and negative things that turn our lives and above all acquire the commitment to modify or restore everything that does not allow us to move forward.

The changes are not easy, they are always reinforced with resistance, this is where the intentions we have are put to the test.

What did I learn from myself since I discovered myself?

Throughout my life I have learned to cope with my shortcomings.

I learned to carry the weight of the consequences of my decisions.

I learned that life has more value than what I had given it.

I learned that people hurt you as long as you let them.

I learned that lies do not matter more than what you give them and that people do you the harm you allow them.

I learned that fleeing is useless, that problems and conflicts go with us to the country that we reside.

I learned to be happy and free.

I learned to respect others and to show myself.

I learned not to judge anyone or allow myself to be judged for anything.

I learned that love and the company of my family renew my energies.

I learned to be grateful to God and to the wonderful beings who love me and surround me.

Who do I nominate?

I invite my friends to participate @alisabelsilva, @luingrid.guerra and @mayrim.lopez whose lives are praiseworthy, worthy of admiration, inspiration and recognition, I am sure that their stories as well as mine will be of help and self help to continue recognizing our worth and how wonderful it has been turning our lives over the years.

Thanks for reading, @luciana.malave