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RE: TOMORROW: Feature Complete Koinos Testnet Launch

in #koinos3 years ago

No because Hive isn't a smart contracts platform, it's an application specific chain. Other applications can certainly use Hive but they require layer-2 solutions which are ultimately centralized and the blockchain industry keeps proving to us how centralized things work out. Being able to launch a different type of app on a decentralized layer-1 is way more desirable because it offers you direct exposure to all other apps built on the network and in a completely decentralized way.

But if you put all of that aside, yes, the free-to-use nature of Hive and Koinos are similar. Instead of delegation Koinos uses payer/payee symantics for smart contracts. The big difference here is that a dApp owner can choose to use their Mana (similar to RC) for all of their users rather than making individual delegations. It's a lot more elegant and versatile.


thanks, this cleared things up :)

Claim feature need to be retard friendly for people like me :D

Welp... good news is that you'll be able to test that process with the v4 testnet tomorrow

enough would be a video that a 3-year old can follow :)

I think @motoengineer will be doing one maybe (the team might be also though, not sure)


It will be very easy for mainnet, a little more technical for testnet. But in both cases there should be good "how tos"