Thanks for reporting this. It's hard to do, I know, I've done it before (and nearly got buried in the retaliation).
I stopped watching Kokesh about 6 months ago. Something seemed wrong or off with him. Too much drama, too many weird posts, and too much involvement with traditional politics. If he's involved in some of this really shady stuff, damn, shame on him. His money is dirty.
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Thanks, @drutter. I appreciate the support. Getting blamed for being targeted in something like this makes me wonder what kind of slime can actually exist on this planet.
Well definitely take care of yourself, you sound a bit rattled. Not that anyone wouldn't be. Shit like this isn't good for our health! Get your sleep and your nutrition every day or you won't last long. All the best.
Thank you, @drutter. Yep. A bit....ruffled. Will do.