
Yeah. It has been pretty sad.

A lot of people wondering if it is spoofed that I talk to. Then I point out that when people that know them ask instead of getting denial they get unfriended.

That is a pretty big red flag.

It'd be easy to fake anything like this these days. So we need to consider motives, and the personality and record of the people involved.

I could see no reason you'd fake this, and really no way it would benefit you.

So I resteemed it and have passed the word that I believe it is highly probable what you are saying is accurate.

That is about as good as you'll get from me.

I try not to be absolutely certain of anything.
Always leave room to change my mind when confronted with new information.

So at the moment I see your story as highly probable. :) ,... and disturbing.

Good to reserve judgement without complete info, however ;)

Hell. I'd say I rarely go 100% on anything. Though I may go 99.9999%

I always try to leave room that some piece of information I never knew before can completely torpedo something I was confident was true. :)

I have more evidence. But am holding it for now.

Yeah I read that. My comment was intended to say GET AS MUCH as you can and as much detail as you can.