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RE: Booch Diaries- Taste the Rainbow?

in #kombucha7 years ago

HAHA I need to call more people dingdongs.
If you really want liquid skittles I would try it with vodka! Apparently it's a thing. haha. Thanks again for the idea, man! So genius! good and bubbly! @mstafford and I are enjoying it with our dinner right now! :)


Ooh, good idea. I once did that with those fireball candies. It was a much more intense and sweet Fireball, so in tiny tastes it was great but you basically were drinking candy so it didn't feel too great on the stomach ha.

Dingdong?!?!?! Hahahaha, this has made my day.
In my defense, I never, ever, ever expected my suggestion to be taken seriously, so this whole journey has been the best.