
Ooo I bet that made a real nice red coloured brew, too! I will have to give that a try!

I definitely vote for beet-ginger!

For a second flavor -- I wonder if there's any kind of chocolatey combination that would be good... Jalapeno & Chocolate?

I think there was a chocolatey flavour in the booch book... we gotta either get it back from whomever we loaned it to, or just buy another one lol

Beet ginger. I love ginger, but not sure if I follow with the beet. Guess you'll just have to send me some!

Have you ever had a beet-something juice from like a juice bar? Beet is super smooth and sweet... I didn't think I would like it either but it's unreal! I love it with orange!

Unfortunately no, I haven't. But I have seen them in the store and in juice bars, so I guess I'll have to try it out!