You know I hate to say this and this might piss a lot of people off but a lot of it has to do with the way people are wired. Most do not have much control over it as it's more biological than anything else.
And whether we want to admit it or not it comes down to Empathy. Which incidentally can be can be totally different than Sympathy. ( And I have done a tremendous amount of studying on Empathy and how people have different degrees of it and it can directly attributed to the Structures of certain areas in the Brain like the amygdala and certain parts of frontal lobes )
Empathy is to be able to actually put yourself in someone else's shoes and actually feel and visualize what it would be like to be that person. Even if you cannot directly relate to the situation of that person.
Well, if I go a day and miss visiting his blog I have literally waking up in the middle of the night to go do it and give him a full powered one.Case and point.. @cryptopie. And yes I notice where you put him on Autovote. Which is awesome.
The reason?? Because I imagine what kind of hell that young man has been going through. I do not know him from adam but he is a fellow human being and that could easily be me or you or most anyone. The physical and mental anguish he has gone through is just unbelievable. But yet he keeps plugging right along . Just an amazingly strong person.
Like I said there are a lot of people who just do not have that Empathyy gene or whatever you want to call it. It's just not there. It doesn't even enter their Mind. So in a way I guess you can't get too angry with them. It doesn't make them bad people at all. Some of my closest childhood friends are that way
And I'm not trying to toot my's just people are different, that's all
It is a tough situation on here for sure and there are this super small handful of people who were able to make a couple hundred thousand dollars off this platform in the last couple of years with out bringing in a bunch of money from the outside which is pretty crazy and I have my thoughts about each of them that it happened to. At the end of the day it seems like the situation is becoming a game of diminishing returns. What I mean by that is the way things are going now I don't think anyone can become a person who makes that kind of money anymore. It sort of happened because the way the reward curve was previously and the auto votes got really consolidated to a handful of people and then they put out cookie cutter content everyday and kept getting paid for it. Then we have these guys paraphrasing CoinDesk and CoinTelegraph articles but they have enough power and are rubbing shoulders with others who have a lot of power so they are able to circle jerk each other.
I keep hoping STEEM will go to $10 soon and things will be super fun but I don't know if that will happen anytime soon or now even though there is pretty good news out there. Also I can't wait for the new platform that will be on EOS because hopefully we can get a jump start on there as well.