SUBJECT : An event, person, feeling, thought, situation, concept, term or issue that is covered in an article, a work or a speech. spouse. Subject.
“What is he talking about?” in an article or speech. what is meant by the question is the “ subject ” of that article or speech ; what is it really defending, emphasizing, explaining or telling?” with the question “ main idea ”; “How does he talk?” What is meant by the question is " style ".
Each article is based on a topic. The first thing the writer will do is to find a good topic. A good topic is one that is closely related to both the author and the reader. The chosen topic should be suitable for processing. In addition, time should be taken into account when choosing a topic. The next thing to do is to limit the subject and determine the purpose. The determined purpose is expressed in a sentence called the topic sentence.
A multi-faceted research and examination is required to explain and interpret the subject. The most important sources in the preparation phase are especially the author's life and experiences; written sources and people whose information can be consulted are other sources that can be used.
Some topics are abstract, while others are concrete. For example, the subject of an article describing the life of birds is concrete and easier to understand. The subject of “the necessity of reading history” is abstract. It would be appropriate to give concrete examples to better explain such a subject. Events, parables and memories can be used.
After determining and limiting the subject and making the necessary examinations, the type of article is determined. There are many types of articles such as articles , essays , anecdotes , chats . Being able to correctly determine the type that will serve to handle the identified subject in the best way is a strong step for the success of the article.
In the last step, it is necessary to choose a suitable title for the subject. The title chosen should be a title that clearly shows or feels the content of the article, which topic is being covered. Title; It should be short, striking, attractive, harmonious and meaningful.
Hi Welcome on Hive! Trying to figure out the intention of this post. Would be great to read a bit about the intention you have posting on hive :) All the best
Hello welcome, find interesting topic and add some pictures to it so that many will appreciate your work and they will give cypto yes
i will deligate some of my hp so that you can write more