North Korea - What happens to a journalist in North Korea or even just a tourist?(facts that you may did not know.

in #korea7 years ago (edited)


the Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a warning that anyone who entered North Korea would be at his own risk.

North Korean defense minister.

Now that the US has pulled out its sword to kill us, we too will pull out our great sword of justice as well and fight to the end, destroying American imperialists with our enormous and revolutionary power.Our nuclear forces are ready


In other words, Israel says - if they decide to throw you into hard labor - it's your problem dear tourists.
In North Korea, you have to behave well, and you can not turn your back to the leader's statue.
In each newspaper is the picture of the leader
And it is also forbidden to fold the picture, People in North Korea go to jail for absolute nonsense.

From the moment that a tourist enters North Korea until the last minute, he is under surveillance.

For example - on a bus, there is a supervisor behind and a supervisor in front.

There is no such thing as being left alone!

If you're just sitting somewhere or going to the bathroom, there'll be someone who checks what you're going to do.

In North Korea, they do not like tourists arriving and the camera on them all the time.

In North Korea each tourist is accompanied by two escorts.

Why two escorts? Because if one escort starts talking to the tourist he can inform on him if the escort

has said something wrong about the leaders or about the nation.

In North Korea some of your work is being an informer!!!

Every hotel has an entire floor and is a kind of war room where you listen to all the tourists all the time (not recommended to have sex with your partner in a room in a North Korean hotel lol)

Anything that a tourist will see in North Korea (especially a journalist) is a great show on a huge scale!

Every North Korean that participate in the huge show does not happen to meet tourists accidentally, and North Korea tries to show a picture as beautiful as possible to a tourist/journalist.

It's just a ten-day show designed to portray one of the poorest countries in the world as a success story

As a tourist,

your phone is completely disabled, and you can make outbound calls only from phones controlled by the dictatorial regime of North Korea, and of course there is no internet, the biggest enemy to such a regime is the internet, the outside world.

A journalist is forbidden to speak with people, and people are forbidden to talk to the journalist, they must not make eye contact with him.

One of the reporters who was there said,

"I saw how they harvest plants so that they have something to eat. All the food goes to the army, so they have something to drink. They collect the water from the rain straight from the puddles"

In North Korea they are not in 2017, they are in 105, the year in which leader Kim Il Sung was born.


So what do you think?

לוגו מאריאנארט.png

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Is all this media coverage a big reality show to increase our military budget?

North Korean defense minister.
Now that the US has pulled out its sword to kill us, we too will pull out our great sword of justice as well and fight to the end, destroying American imperialists with our enormous and revolutionary power.Our nuclear forces are ready

The United States has 10,500 nuclear weapons; Russia has 20,000; Israel has 110 to 190 or more; China has 400; France has 450; Britain has 185; India has 65; Pakistan has 30 to 50; North Korea has 2 to 9.

Bill Clinton Enabled Korea's Nuclear weapons production program, hard to believe but this happens all the time...

Under Bill Clinton, an agreement called the Agreed Framework was passed whereby an international coalition would replace North Korea's plutonium reactor with two light-water reactors in exchange for 500,000 tons of heavy fuel each year from the U.S. The deal was not popular in Congress, and was scrapped shortly after George W. Bush came to power. In response, the North kicked out its U.N. inspectors and relaunched its nuclear development.

I remember reading Bill Clinton actually sold nuclear material to Korea as some kind of agreement...Many people question our policies regarding enabling rogue nations, and we have enable many despotic dictatorships all over the world...why?

To justify this vast expense, the Clinton Administration must be able to demonstrate that the United States is indeed threatened by potent foreign enemies. Hence the periodic alarms in Washington over the military power and aggressive designs of Iraq, Iran, Libya and North Korea. Only when Congress and the American people can be shown an authentic—and sufficiently menacing—threat on the horizon will they be prepared to subsidize indefinitely a cold-war-level military establishment. Strategic analyst Michael Klare, in his review of the military budget in the mid-l990s, Tinderbox, Stephen Zunes, p44

of course, I know the media is celebrating this shit.
this is what brings them the high rating.
but there are peoples who are suffering...

The poor people of this world always suffer, it is profitable for those who manage war and poverty

The question is what percentage of the poor in North Korea compared to other countries.
Are there really camps of forced labor?
Why the average height of North Koreans is almost 10 cm lower than the South Korean.


I don't know anything about Korea except what I've read and seen on TV. I don't believe anything I don't see with my own two eyes and then I question that! But there are so many countries where people are starving and working or being sold as slaves...It sad to say people over in Africa I heard on TV so I don't know if this is true are being sold on slave blocks ....

What can we do to help North Koreans? I don't know and I don't give money to big charities because most of the money is kept by charities NGOs...

Hehe you became skeptical , and you right.
but I don't know if the media is allowed to lie by law to everybody.
I think they are allowed to say things differently, to radicalize them. But not to lie, they are exposed to demands ...

Incredible article! Keep going! 😊

I recommend you guys watching this vice documentary about north korea:

It's a horror story to go to NK
even to think that such a place exists

this place isn't real lol.
you are totally right.

I think these are disastrous times in North Korea.Its a horror show and instability in the regime is likely to increase as the elite members may become agitated and the regime's control over ordinary North Koreans could weaken.

I can't believe such place exists on earth. great post @amiramnoam.

true my friend.

This world never stops to amaze me !!
Haha !! I will never go with my partner to North Korea!
A hotel with no privacy is no hotel at all !!



A complete dictatorship. I would rather not go to such a place. I wonder what life the citizens would have. Its so much of a torture to live in a place where you have no freedom.
Thank you for sharing this Noam.

NK is now getting popular because of its weird and out of the mind ideologies. We're world citizens and we're all connected and we must be aware of what's happening around the globe.
The question is, what will be our contribution to this world?
What shall we do?

Here are some:
RECOGNIZE THE GLOBAL PART OF WHO YOU ARE: All of our lives have become globalized; whether through the Internet, the way in which we’re impacted by the global economy; our desire to provide humanitarian assistance to disaster victims in countries other than our own; or even in our love of world art,music, food, and travel. We all have a part of us that is global. Examine your own life, recognize its global dimension, and reflect on how that affects your view of the world.

EXPAND YOUR DEFINITION OF COMMUNITY: Because of the many ways in which countries and people are now so interconnected, we all are now part of an emerging world community. This doesn’t mean that we have to give up being a member of other communities, e.g., our town, our country, our ethnicity. It means that we have another community—the world community—to which we now belong. Find ways to celebrate your connection to this community.

DISCOVER THE VALUES OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY: Every community needs to have values, and the world community is no exception to this rule. The values of the world community reflect the moral ideals that most of us believe in as the basis for human existence; for example human rights, religious pluralism, participatory governance, protection of the environment, poverty reduction, sustainable economic growth, elimination of weapons of mass destruction, prevention and cessation of conflict between countries, humanitarian assistance, and the preservation of the world’s cultural diversity. Take stock of your belief in these values. Are you aware of ways in which the world as a whole is trying to live by them?

BECOME AWARE OF GLOBAL POLICIES AND PROGRAMS: Whether you realize it or not, all around you, policies and programs are being developed to help govern our emerging world community. Such policies range in scope from international treaties that ban the spread of nuclear weapons to administrative rules and regulations governing the internet. Learn about these policies and programs by subscribing to publications such as GCitizen, the Newsletter of The Global Citizens’ Initiative (

ENGAGE WITH THE ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE TRYING TO GOVERN THE WORLD: As a global citizen you should try and build awareness about the different organizations, which are making the policies shaping our world community. These organizations include international agencies, like the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, legal tribunals like the World Court and the International Criminal Court, international professional associations like the The International Federation of Accountants or the International Civil Aviation Organization, and transnational corporations like Starbucks, Hindustan Lever, and Smith/Kline/Glaxo. Try to learn about and engage with these organizations and make sure that they are operating in accordance with the values we perceive to be important.

PARTICIPATE IN AN ADVOCACY EFFORT FOR GLOBAL CHANGE: Sign petitions, join demonstrations, contribute funds, and explore other ways of advocating for global change. As global citizens we need to join together to express the fact that people across the planet share common views when it comes to basic values such as human rights, environmental protection, and the banning of weapons of mass destruction. The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI) is an organization that provides information and opportunities for global citizens to join together and advocate for change.

HELP ENSURE YOUR COUNTRY’S FOREIGN POLICY PROMOTES GLOBAL VALUES: Global citizens also are citizens of the countries in which they were born and live. As such we have the ability to influence the positions that our countries take on global issues. We need to help ensure that our country’s foreign policy supports the building of equitable global solutions to world problems; solutions that work for all countries. So let your government know how you feel by supporting leaders who want their countries to become engaged with the world, not isolated from it.

PARTICIPATE IN ORGANIZATIONS WORKING TO BUILD WORLD COMMUNITY: There are all sorts of organizations making important contributions to our emerging world community—NGOs, global action networks, international professional associations, transnational corporations, and others. They work on a range of issues related to the values of our world community—ranging from human rights to world arts and culture. Pick one, any one that relates to an issue in which you are interested, and get involved.

NURTURE A LIFESTYLE THAT SUPPORTS SUSTAINABLE GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT: The environmental movement has taught us a great deal about how everyday lifestyles and behaviors can have an impact on the quality of life on our planet. The types of transportation we use, how we heat or cool our homes, the types of clothes we wear and the food we eat all affect our quality of life. As global citizens we need to adopt environmentally responsible behaviors in the ways we live.

SUPPORT WORLD ART, MUSIC, AND CULTURE: Being a global citizen is also a celebration of the many different arts and cultures of our people. Take time to learn the ways in which different cultures give expression to the human spirit.

We are complaining about our country every time all the time. But, think of the citizen of North Korea. They have been living their whole life under fear, agony, distress, poverty, insecurity. They don't have any freedom whatsoever. After hearing all those things, in spite of not having all our dreams fulfilled I feel myself the luckiest one to have been born in my country.

משוגעים, זה על גבול הבלתי נתפס שעדיין יש מדינה כזו מטורללת בעולם - האנשים שם כ"כ מנותקים עד שהם פשוט שטופי מח ברמה שהם מאמינים באמת ובתמים בזבח שמאכילים אותם - כמו בפוסט שהעלת על הסיפור של האסיר ההוא.
אני מקווה שמדינה חזקה באמת תעשה עם זה משהו ותשחרר את כל העם המסכן הזה מהדיקטטורים שמענים אותו לפני שהם יהיו חזקים מכדי שיהיה אפשר לעשות נגדם משהו, אם כי בהחלט יתכן שהם כבר חזקים מדי ואין מה לעשות במישור הצבאי לפחות.

הבעיה היא לא רק צפון קוריאה לצערי
סין ורוסיה האכזריות .
הן יכולות להפעיל לחץ דיפלומטי והן לא עושות את זה .

Amazing post and very interesting!!!
Thank you for the beautiful creativity and hard work...^__^

wow really nice and mind touch post..tnx for share..

not a place i would like to go any time soon ;/

  • don't want to give them more money

Psywar always there,,,,,, I don't trust Israel news and American news it is more fake than trust, consume by your brain first, than you decide by your inner heart not like Israel heart, Israel always said others countries nuclear meanwhile their produce a nuclear and bombing the other countries and then they said about human right, is it true? If you believe it, you are crazy

Would like to ask for your thought on why North Korea is participating in thw Winter Games. Do you think they are being paid by the Moon adminsitration to come? Reckon the crypto could of been used. Inflating the kimchi premium

I think the abnormality in North korea is really attracting tourists. People are ready to put their lives at risk to see the madness in North korea.. And that means more revenue for their government..

Very good entry I have never seen or interested in. But now I am really interested in this post. It is really a horror movie

Among the places that doesn't embrace tourist. I heard.
Nice information. Thanks

a country where dictatorship should be quite difficult..
the only thing that matters in northern korea is nuclear weapons...the people there do not know anything...Kim jong-un, they know what they want to know @amiramnoam

statue of lebaration war...
wonderful post... sir
thanks for sharing with us

I know the media is celebrating this shit. this is what brings them the high rating. but there are peoples who are suffering...

Well in my opinion ...


That's a Awesome post

I appreciate your post

Thank you

Freedom and privacy are most important than anything!

Nice post beautiful presented and explained. detail oriented with nice . thank you for sharing

I still remember a movie by the name - the interview - that portray this about NK. Then I didn't believe it thinking it was just the western media exercising their power until a friend of mine return from a project in the Korean peninsula and told us what's really happening there... so much slavery in this modern era. How can we help this people?

Thanks for sharing this beautiful post

Thanks for enlighten me

Thank you for sharing

Going there would probably feel like another planet... I mean, it's all just different and bizzare.

In North Korea they are not in 2017, they are in 105, the year in which leader Kim Il Sung was born.
So true, something has to change in that country. It's not normal.

Please help me upvote have oke

i am interested in place.........amazing post.......@amiramnoam

there is a lot of false propaganda coming mainly from the West about NK

in every country there must be its own rules so every tourist must obey all the rules that exist in the country he visited,
emang true what you say everyone would want to achieve what he wants what else he has far far away kesebuah country but every country there must be peratusan own, thank you for sharing amiramnoam



Good luck for your steam 😉

I am waiting for your support. For me last post 😊

Thank you so much. Good evening 😊

great work and im glad for you,but i cant undearstand how some posts get all that upvotes, best one i had 0.04 maybe, we started we need encouragments from u guys dont be selfish, again im glad for u , looking for relations , I belive is an important step

despite the Korean state with its super strict rules but korea today became one of the stronger states. america also take korea

But I recently read that NK increasingly depends on tourism and there is no hazard if a tourist choose to visit there..I don't know much,to me North Korea still remains as mysterious as the entire universe!

That's a horror history
Great sharing post about north Korea

So i should probably take north korea off from my list of places i want to visit. Is it really that bad 🙁

2 countries are hostile but to start a war never happens only mutually threaten,
reasonable course korea oversees the foreign entrants to Vigil keep.
thanks @amiramnoam

Even though all this, i would like to visit north korea some day, just to experience it for myself, everytime i see a documentary or people speaking about how it was i can't believe it...

Koria is a one of the atomic power country and this country computation with the hapan

I think it's a very good example for ideologies being blind to their own inner contradictions.

Nice post about Korea :) thanks for sharing us


Come on! Who is this article even for? North Korea's tourist industry isn't terribly large ;-) and I suspect none of the one or two dozen people that might go there to be "tourists" are here reading this.

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