(English) #1 Pre-departure Blog

in #korea7 years ago

Dear friends, family, and Steemians!

The last couple of weeks I've been busy with preparing for my studies in South-Korea. Even when so busy, the realization that it's really happening didn't strike me until I walked into the embassy of SK in The Hague. With a bend back I tried to get eye contact with the lady behind the counter to help me. Because I'm so tall (193cm), it came with some difficulty. I thought of when I in middle school and had bilingual education in English. Unfortunately, I was nervous without knowing and with my worst English ever, told her that I came to apply for my visa - while presenting the documents and money needed.

With a small nod, it was over and I stood outside again. She pressed a piece of paper in my hands describing the date I could come back and just like that, we were done. Disappointed by this anticlimactic ending I went back home, knowing I had to get back to that place the following week. As I'd feared, I was outside at the same speed as the application was. But this time I had my journey to The Hague (2h trip) combined with a few days Scheveningen with my girlfriend ;-).

On an initiative of a fellow student, we were introduced with KakaoChat, this the #1 chat app in South-Korea that looks similar to WhatsApp. I was added to a group conversation containing students all over the world also going to Kyongpook National University. From Germany to Canada, China to Finland, almost all nations were represented. The vibes are highly positive and the first party has already been planned. Besides that, the group is ideal for someone with questions or just fooling around.

On the 8th of August, it was time to enroll ourselves for classes. I was told that in South-Korea the competitiveness is quite severe, as I soon would find out. I was lucky, I couldn't sleep that night and was wide awake around 5 am (Mid European +1). Because within minutes, some classes were already full, causing some students to rework their picks to prevent overlap. Thankfully I was able to enroll in my first choices, creating the perfect schedule! I was even able to help out my mate Asken, who had to work that morning.

So far, I've met Asken and Stefano, two Germans with different backgrounds. Asken is a German raised, an engineer with Korean roots, while Stefano is a German-Italian chap, raised in the Netherlands. My country. We three applied for the KNU Football team(They call it soccer), and I've already bought my gear. Next week, Stefano and I fly off to Daegu and have a chance to explore the city for a couple of days before we're assigned to our dorms. I feel lucky for having met such awesome guys to hang out with already!

The university offered a chance to do a part-time internship which I've applied for. I grabbed the chance as soon it was possible and applied at two different companies. The 23rd of August I will know whether or not I've been selected. I really hope I get the chance to practice my Korean and learning about Korean business culture. Thankfully, the main language at these internships is English, so I'll be able to get by. Hopefully, I'll be able to share more in my next blog! My last week in the Netherlands will be full with goodbye dinners, parties, friends, and family! I can't wait to start my adventure abroad and share more!

Having a good one,
