Blockchain technology has been designed to be disruptive in which disruption should emerge from decentralization and autonomy. Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) came into existence along with the Blockchain technology. Decentralized Autonomous Organization is a new economic model for the 21st century.This system has a very huge potential .DAO is targeting some innovative technologies from diverse sectors of the economy. They are focusing on sectors like Health, Farming, Energy, Insurance, Education, and many more. By investing in the aforementioned industries, GEOMA will create wealth for their contributors.The concept of DAO and its governance structure is still not understood by the public .DAO is not a Science fiction, it is a corporate structure developed as a model with unlimited expansion. The focus on expansion and maximizing profits for their contributors. GEOMA (DAO) is a distributed Network of Contributors. This organization is not designed for fast profits, they are developed to create and build a steady and sustainable growth, communication and interacting through the Smart Contracts on Blockchain.It plays a similar role just like Blockcchain technology.
It is a system designed for disruption.GEOMA Network does not have CEO or any kind of management. The system is designed to be autonomous and the founders are regarded as the Network of the contributors. Most ICO Projects who claims they operate on blockchain scams, nothing differentiates them from a centralized system because they have direct access to the funds and management of contributors fund. Most of them operate on Pyramid governance system.The entire governance system is managed by the top management, which resulted into large-scale manipulation and scam. The concepts of DAO is quite different. As I did mention earlier, the governance structure does not require anyone to manage the system.The system is autonomous and the contributors are the owners no CEO or owner. In GEOMA DAO setup proposal is the primary way of decision making.Decision making can be done by any top management as there is no CEO, No human management.
GEOMA DAO was founded with the sole motive of creating wealth for the network of contributors and bringing value to the society.Contractors are appointed through Voting for project implementation.Agreements are created if some certain percentage of contributors within the network agreed on an action.There is always need to vote upon a proposal for implementation in GEOMA DAO Network.
Governance is one of the most important aspect of DAO.Majority of all these blockchaian companies operate on a centralized system due to their governing Models. Decentralized Autonomous Organization sees this as a conflict to their system. The power of DAO is their members and ability to perform governance.Governance are being performed through the Blockchain DApps through a governance portal. Proposals, Debate, Lending, Vault, Finance, and many more will be a configure in the DApp.All paperwork being carried out by the third party, contractors in the physical world must be given an ID through blockchain, and made accessible by all members of DAO through the membership portal. GEOMA DAO takes decision through voting. Making the choice of Blockchain Network to build on will require votes.In this case 3 options are left for the members to decide on
1.Implementing a ready made Blockchain and integrating dApps on it
2. Developing a Child chain.
3.Developing a new Blockchain
In this scenario, the members will decide and to have a flawless governance flow, DAO must have representatives which are people from the community which is willing to committed. Representatives have their roles in which they must step in in any area of dangers within the Network , they must be a problem solver and maintain high standard work flow. In a situation of power outages , internet shutdown or any hazards , representatives must work the situation out and make sure the operational system is in good state .
GMD is ERC20 Compartible token that serve utility purpose in GEOMA DAO Platform . GMD gives voting right to the holders ,right to propose and also empower token holder to actively participate in the actitivities within the network.The GMD token contract can be find here https://etherscan.io/token/0x2509B1A5FF82AB94172cFc527676AcF45C2A0D08. Nevertheless, DAO will in future have second token model will be a security token (GMDST) ,this token will be released to members after real life project implementation has been voted for .(GMDST) bears Ownership and and Divident Rights.The token will be backed by tangibles things like Land, Water, Forest, Food and more.This will also stabilize the value of the token and giving assurance to the token holders their investment is totally secured.Ownership Certificate will be issued along with (GMDST) token
Official Resources
Website: https://www.thegeomadao.com/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/186LX27VMtGh3Pe6dDSXiIZ7LmvVdyeyP/view?usp=sharing
ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5216619.0
Telegram : https://t.me/geomachat
Twitter : https://twitter.com/thegeomadao
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCys4E09zDz9xjlyKiBZwr_g?view_as=subscriber
Medium : https://medium.com/@thegeomadao
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoma-dao-b0a612189/
Bitcointalk username :koremodupe
Eth address: 0x92d259F369B02eF1d625C3F3bDc2F6b06A8BE272
Bitcointalk profile url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2681359