Taeyeon is looking faabbbbuuullouuuss!!
Simply. Check it out.
TAEYEON 태연 - Something New
I knew I liked this girl from the first moment I laid eyes on her SNSD's Girl's Generation music video (back in 2011!). She's cute, beautiful and packs one hell of vocals, making her one of the most sought out solo female vocalist right now.
Each comeback has been something new (haha get it?). I really like this song for it's jazzy urban sound, it's a chill track while all not being too chill. Even though being on the front line of the pop scene, Taeyeon's sound has had a lot of indie influence.
This music video I didn't understand at first (thank goodness for music video analysis videos!) but from initial understanding, I felt like it was a Britney Spear's Lucky moment, about Taeyeon's glamorous life to how she actually feels. Her first attack in the video I thought was like a rebellion to the popstar's life, and in some ways it might be.
One analysis video I was watching mentioned all the fighting scenes occurring in black and white, which represents Taeyeon's imagination diverting from her "normal" life of the popstar. See, to us, it's glamorous and exciting, for someone like Taeyeon, it's every day life, it's routine. Her imagination depicts an more exciting life.
Which leads us back to the song,
Sounds above the city, trouble overflowing
People walking without time to spare
This is like a jungle, I’m zoning out with a sigh
Once I open my eyes, like a habit, I look for something new
Not knowing it’s poison, the more it overflows
Like being trapped, everyone’s dreams become the same
As we’ve turned around from the sound from really deep within
Everyone’s mindlessly looking for something new
Translated lyrics from Popgasa
It's later in the video we see Taeyeon throwing her suitcases filled with money, trophies, gifts, etc. and shooting them down, she's searching for something new.