Hello that such friends I show you today a project I have been doing and improving since 3 years ago. It is a race simulator, steering wheel and pedalboard, taking as a base a circuit board of a USB generic joystick, popular for being economical.
My dream
Personally I've always liked Formula 1 and had the dream of having my own simulator but because of the high costs and my economy did not help I saw that dream unattainable, until one day with some ideas taken from the internet, my knowledge of electronics and the desire that I had to stop my own simulator I decided to fulfill my dream.
** Steering wheel**
This simulator is made up of:
4 Axes which I'm only using 3 of them:
1- Axis x used for the steering or steering wheel.
2- Axis and used for the Croche (I have not yet mounted it).
3- Axis z used for the accelerator.
4- Rz axis used for the brake.12 buttons which until now I am only using 5 of them, one to lower the speed changes, one to upload them, another for speed limiter and another to call Pits and finally turn on and off Axes.
I hope you liked it, then I will be creating other post in relation to demonstrations with different racing games using this wheel and pedalboard.
If you are excited to create your own Simulator, write me and I'll take a step-by-step tutorial on how to design this one. Greetings.

Woff, woff!
Hello @alfredv88, Nice to meet you!
I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I can see that you want to contribute to KR community and communicate with other Korean Steemians. I really appreciate it and I'd be more than happy to help.
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I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!
Woff, woff! 🐶