in #kr-food7 years ago (edited)

Durian has a nickname King of Fruits alias king of fruits, This name may be because of its shape is equipped with sharp thorns, it feels a delicious legit, because durian have many health benefits as below.

Durian punya julukan King of Fruits alias rajanya buah-buahan, Sebutan ini munkin karena bentuknya yang dilengkapi duri-duri tajam, rasanya yang legit nikmat, karena durian punya banyak manfaat kesehatan seperti di bawah ini.

Helps digestion

Membantu melancarkan pencernaan

Just like any other fleshy fruit, durian is also rich in fiber that is vital to the workings of the whole body system.
Fiber causes the bowel movement to increase, making the rest of the food more easily move through the intestinal tract.

Seperti halnya buah berdaging lainnya, durian juga kaya akan serat yang vital untuk kerja sistem seluruh tubuh.
Serat menyebabkan gerakan usus meningkat, membuat sisa makanan lebih mudah bergerak melalui saluran usus.

Fiber also stimulates the peristalsis and secretion of digestive and gastric juices, making the sewerage process more smoothly.

Serat juga merangsang gerak peristaltik dan sekresi cairan pencernaan dan lambung, membuat proses pembuangan kotoran semakin lancar.

By reducing conditions such as constipation and blockage in the intestines, bloating, heartburn, and cramps, the risk of digestive disorders as well as serious conditions such as colorectal cancer is also reduced.

Dengan mengurangi kondisi seperti sembelit dan penyumbatan di usus, kembung, mulas, dan kram maka risiko gangguan pencernaan serta kondisi serius seperti kanker kolorektal juga berkurang.
Most fiber in the durian is insoluble fiber, which can reduce the frequency of diarrhea.
Sebagian besar serat dalam durian adalah serat tidak larut, yang dapat menurunkan frekuensi diare.
In addition, fiber also helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood by removing it before it could damage the cardiovascular system.
Selain itu, serat juga membantu mengurangi kadar kolesterol buruk di dalam darah dengan cara mengeluarkannya sebelum sempat merusak sistem kardiovaskular.

Relaxing blood vessels

Merilekskan pembuluh darah

Durian is loaded with potassium, a mineral balancing the salt and fluid levels in the body.

Durian sarat akan potasium, mineral penyeimbang kadar garam dan cairan di dalam tubuh.
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Terimakasih semoga bermanfaat dan terhibur
Jangan lupa bantu saya untuk bangkit.
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Good post
Lezat tuh
