Green Salty Chilli Squid
By @aar
Ingredients :
250 grm of salted squid
2 clumps of baput, thinly sliced
2 cloves bamer, thinly sliced
5 green chillies, cut into slaughter
5 red chili pepper, cut into slaughter
5 red curly peppers, cut into slivers
1 lemongrass, keprek
2 orange leaves
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Salt, pepper to taste
-Wash the squid and then boil 2-3 minutes to curl its salty content. Lift and set aside
- Sauteed onion duo, green chili, cayenne pepper, red chilli, lemongrass, lime leaves until fragrant. -Enter squid, season with salt, pepper, sweet soy sauce. Mix well. Correction of flavors. -Ready to be served
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