비가 주륵주륵 오던 감성 가득한 일본 / WHEN I WENT TO KYUSHU, JAPAN ON A RAINY DAY

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

Hello This is Beccachu :)
I started gathering all of my old photos from the Dropbox.
And I found some of the photos that I took 2 years ago in Japan.

안녕하세요 ㅎㅎ 베카츄입니다 :)
좀 묵혀둔 사진들을 드랍박스에서 찾았는데요!
2년전에 찾은 낡지만 아주 멋진 사진들을 모아서 가져와 봤습니다.

Also, I am going to visit Tokyo soon so this will be a great throwback before I visit Japan for the fourth time.
I hope you enjoy all of these photos that were taken in Kyushu, Japan.

제가 곧 도쿄를 방문할 예정인데요! 사진들을 보니 얼른 빨리 가고싶네요!
그래서 규슈에서의 사진들을 모두다 예쁘게 봐주셨음 해요 ㅎㅎ

Oh and Kyushu's onsen is one of the trendy places where Japanese loves to visit during their vacations.
Along the Mount Yufu, the place named, Yufuin, is the best hot spring resort where people take their time
to relax.

규슈의 온천은 일본사람들에게도 굉장히 유명한 온천휴양지인데요.
유후산 근처에 있는 유후인이라는 온천도시가 개발되어 있어 사람들이 많이 찾습니다. :D

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When I went to Kyushu for three days, it rained everyday :.(
well- so I think because of the rain, I got great photos!

규슈에 삼일동안의 일정을 보냇는데요. 매일매일 비가왔어요 ㅠㅠ
그렇지만 비덕분에 많은 좋은 사진을 얻은 것 같아요!

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I got a chance to visit observatory by riding this moving train.
The road felt like a real 'Totoro land.' :)
Since Japan is really close to Korea, I thought the environments are probably similar to each other.
But it was totally different.
I thought that mountains, trees, grasses, and all the greens are much more similiar with Amazon! haha

무빙트레인을 타고 전망대에 올라갈 수 있었는데요.
주위환경 때문에 토토로나라에 온것 같았어요 :)
그리고 일본과 한국은 가깝기 때문에 비슷한 자연환경을 가지고 있을 거라고 생각했거든요?
근데 너무 다르더라고요.
나무의 생김새, 풀의 생김새, 등등 모든 것들이 너무 야생스러워서 아마존의 일부를 가져왔다고 생각했어요. 하하


This photo was taken at the Shrine's back entrance.

어느 신사의 출입구 계단이었어요.


When I kept walking into the shrine, I found a place where it felt like a forest.
This just reminded me of some of the mysterious Japanese movies that I wathced before.

계속 걸어들어가보니 신사가 보였는데요. 숲속같은 분위기였습니다.
신비로운 일본영화를 연상케 하던 장소였습니다. ㅎㅎ


I also found a beautiful garden along with the arch-shape bridge.

이 신사 안에는 아름다운 정원과 다리도 있더라고요 ㅠㅠ

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I couldn't stop admiring the road side view.
The view didn't make me get bored with driving for long hours.

운전하며 보는 창밖의 풍경은 굉장했어요.
장시간의 운전이 지루하지 않았죠.


When I went back to the city in Kyushu, I got bored.
I didn't know nature is so much powerful in every aspects.
I will end up by showing you this interesting lightbulb that I found in the city.

다시 규슈의 도시로 돌아갔을 때 조금 지루했어요 ㅎㅎ
자연이 이렇게 좋은 것이라는걸 새삼 깨달았던 것 같아요.
마지막으로 도시에서 찾은 재미있는 전등을 보여드리고 이만 글 마칠게용

모두들 굿밤되세요 ㅎㅎ
Thanks for reading :)

photo credits to @beccachu


Thank you for sharing these images @beccachu! Japan is rich in culture and is connected to their surrounds and environment. The shrine is a great example of this as it is centred around a beautiful garden. Your photos certainly remind me of Japanese movies I have seen and I'm always fascinated to see the beauty in this country.

Recommended Reading
myday #36 - Landscape + Travel Photography

yes I totally agree with your thoughts.
I feel always great to visit Japan :)
Japan has so many fascinating cultures to experience.
Also, thanks for the recommended reading :D

No problem @bevcachu that light was also amazing! I so want one!!

soo pretty

Thank you