- @berniesanders & His Dildo Video - https://steemit.com/video/@caladium/berniesanders-d-ldo-video
@berniesamders - Another Video Bernie Has Public Diarrhea poops his pants - https://steemit.com/funny/@caladium/omg-another-berniesanders-poops-his-pants-video
@berniesanders Alien Anal Probes - https://steemit.com/funny/@caladium/my-most-pornographic-post-alien-anal-probes
@berniesanders Nutcracker - https://steemit.com/berniesanders/@caladium/berniesanders-the-gift-that-keeps-on-giving
@berniesanders love notes - https://steemit.com/berniesanders/@caladium/some-of-berniesanders-greatest-hits
@ berniesanders Mr. Butt Plug & his auto vote bots - https://steemit.com/steemit/@caladium/mr-butt-plug-berniesanders-his-autovote-bots-and-the-cult-of-steemit-users
@ berniesanders & his Caligula Anal Ramming Sessions - https://steemit.com/blog/@caladium/berniesanders-and-his-caligula-style-anal-ramming-sessions
@berniesanders Wants His Cash Cow Back - https://steemit.com/blog/@caladium/berniesanders-wants-his-cash-cow-back
@berniesanders Wears Diapers Video - https://steemit.com/funny/@caladium/3wchup-berniesanders-wears-diapers
@berniesanders is with the INSIDE Crew of Founders & NED - https://steemit.com/crypto/@caladium/berniesanders-is-of-the-inside-crew-from-steemits-creators-along-with-ned
@berniesanders is also @charlesmanson - https://steemit.com/ru/@caladium/6sbsdj-berniesanders-is-also-charlesmanson
@berniesanders Male Beta Cucks & Bestiality https://steemit.com/funny/@caladium/bernie-sanders-failed-presidential-campaign-male-beta-cucks-and-bestiality-berniesanders
Steemit Platform used for Money Laundering - https://steemit.com/blog/@caladium/money-laundering-drug-trafficking-irs-tax-evasion-to-the-tune-of-millions-of-dollars-every-week-on-steemit
Steem Stem Manager a Pedo - https://steemit.com/blog/@caladium/steem-stem-manager-a-pedo
@bloom & @anarchyhasnogods ARE THE SAME - @anarchyhasnogods is not a School Girl- the account is an INSIDE ACCOUNT by one of NED's Trannies- a Tranny who is a MAN that calls himself a woman, even though he does not take female hormones, does not have breast implants, does not have bottom half surgery- is just a grown adult man in a wig & lipstick & a 3 day beard. That's the was Ned likes it. ( I suspect this is one of Ned's Deep State's Cousins.)
Die in a fire, trashy cunt hole.
Cmon, you must be laughing at this. This blog is tragically hilarious. When i have a bad day i just browse the shit she is posting. :D
I have to say that this is without a doubt the cringiest shit ive seen in a while. Good job. :D hahaha
That song though. You actually took time to sing a Bernie song, edit that video and post it to youtube. Im not sure if i should be impressed by your complete carelessness of how you use your time or if i should book you for a psychiatric exam.
Nonetheless, impressive waste of time. hahahaha
Hahahahahahaha. I like your zest.
Let me ask you this:
I think youre that type of person. haha. :D
no ass fucker sodomite piece of shit- I pour BOILING WATER ON THE MOUND!
I told you that you like wasting time. :D
See, that was a bad answer..
The sane answer is:
I live in the country in Florida- all of Florida has fire ants. They will build nests right at your front door if you let them. Not one to use pesticide- I will pour POTS of Boiling Water on Fire Ants Nest too close to the house.
You write of "FUCKING WITH FIRE ANTS" - who the hell does that? Oh right some BUTT Pirate Ass Fucking Faggot like you. Know what else is bad for your health- letting strange men ram stuff up your rectum- which you seem to enjoy @lordbutterfly. Disgusting faggot sicko.
Hahaha. So much rage. Here. Ill help you out..
You talk about butts a lot so i feel i need to tell you that you take these orally. ;)
Jump off a tall, tall bridge.
I'm pretty sure you're a gay porn fanatic, aren't you? Maybe some repressed gay feelings deep down in side? Maybe your dad liked other dudes and you caught them?
Something surely turned you into such a cunt. I'm curious what it is.
Oh look, turd sanders using gay jokes and dad jokes again. What a fucking waste of human flesh you are. Go slam your head into the wall a couple times
I will, after you jump off a tall, tall building with your mutt.