@sochulnim, is the same as this?
1% of the ruling class
would want to belong there and drag the whole world in it :)
I thought there's 4% of them these days
@sochulnim, is the same as this?
1% of the ruling class
would want to belong there and drag the whole world in it :)
I thought there's 4% of them these days
Dear englishtchrivy, Thank you.
However, it is not the book that I read. ^^
I think that it is similar to the contents of the book which I read in my thought.
The book I read is that economics is not used for business or a small number of rich people,
it will be helpful to most people.
@sochul nim, I see, thank you for clarifying.
m _ _ m
Englishtchrivy Do you know what this sign means?
The old Koreans had a bow when they were grateful.
This sign is meant to be appreciated.
Both 'm' hands have '_' hands and two eyes are looking down.
The conclusion is that you are thankful.
@sochul nim, yes, aware of that :)
sometimes I wish we have the emoticons in Kakao Story here, too
pretty easy to do :)
anyway, @sochul nim, it's good that it's sunny again isn't it?