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in #kr7 years ago

English Translation (Google Translate):

[Book Review Reviews] Xijff Xin / Albert Camus

Good morning. reconteur43. When I came to my house because I was working 7 days a week these days, I was able to access it after a long time. Besides, it was not easy to read continuously. The book to be introduced today is the Xiphiff myth of Nobel Prize laureate Albert Camus. It is a masterpiece that does not easily fall down on how to start.

Kim Hwayoung is a very sincere "depiction" of Camus' 'Shijip myth' about the 'inhuman amusement of irrationality and hope and death'. Yes, it is. No matter how much I think about it, I can not summarize it. And it was a rather difficult book that took a short time to turn a page. Although it is not easy to translate difficult texts because it is difficult to translate, I am grateful and thankful that Camus is the best teacher in Korea and I can read and understand them as much as I can.

Camus says. '' There is really only one serious philosophical problem. It is suicide. Judging whether life is worth living or not is an answer to the fundamental problem of philosophy. "
It is a very sincere and dense depiction of the absurdity of this absurdity in remarkable literary expressions. The concentration is impressive.

'' Just one day, all of a sudden, the question 'why' comes up and everything starts with the feeling of boredom accompanied by surprise. The word 'begins' is important. Boredom is felt at the end of various acts of mechanical life, but at the same time it means that consciousness initiates activity. Boredom awakens the consciousness and raises it and causes it to follow. "(29p)

'' The world is a familiar world if you can explain it for some unexplainable reason. But on the contrary, in a world deprived of sudden illusion and light, man feels himself a stranger. There is no salvation in exile to this strange world. For him, the lost memories of his hometown and the hope of the promised land are all taken away. Human and his life, the isolation of actors and stage devices, this is the absurd feeling of absurdity. If anyone who is a normal person thinks about suicide himself at least once, he / she can admit that there is a direct connection between this emotion and the desire for impurity even if it is not explained for a long time. "(19p)

This absurdity of feelings comes to life without warning to anyone. We do not know why we live and we live like customs. Then, at any moment, when I face "why", the feeling of absurdity begins to grow. This is a bitter and scary thing than I thought. According to Camus' expression, 'if the absurdity of habitual life, the lack of deep reasons to live, the absurdity of everyday life falling apart, and the uselessness of pain' are absurd, This is a feeling of absurdity to be surveyed 'is an absurd feeling like desert.

"Absurd is essentially a divorce, isolation." (52p)

"Absurdity is neither in man nor in the world, but only in the presence of both." (52p)

Absurdity was in the beginning. Absurdity is the break of the continuity and it is not again. It is a divorce between man and his life, and it is a stranger coming from there. Absurdity is the face of desire and silence that the world offers. Absurdity is the face of a craving for irrationality and clarity of the world. Absurdity is a ritual consciousness of time and death. Absolute is the only self-conscious consciousness.

Camus then goes on to talk about whether or not to accept the absurdity under the breathtaking sky and how to live. Indeed, it is a narrative and logical flow.

First, he divides into two ways to get out of absurdity. 1. By leap (= hope), 2. by suicide. A leap refers to such humiliations as belief in the future, hope for tomorrow, triumph of the spirit. Suicide can also be interpreted as a kind of abandonment, defeat, or avoidance.

Camus does not and does not want both. If so, I will also worry about building a house of ideas and shapes that fit the fountain. It's a kind of self-deception that does not differ much from the leap mentioned above, but the difference is obvious. He rejects everything that is unclear and does not do what he knows well. Some say it is a sin of arrogance, but he does not know the concept of sin, that it is sin. I want to know if it is possible to live without appealing for salvation. I think Camus' thoughts are among the existentialism, but it seems to be the opposite of religious or god.

He wants to stay in the land of absurdity. It is because 'I want to support my wager that I am bitter.' It is a total rebellion against life and the world. So Camus goes on to talk about how freedom and rebellion can live.

"The deprivation of hope and future means the increase of man's mental openness" (87p)

"The fact that tomorrow does not exist" (89p)

"What does life mean in a world lacking rationality and unity? It is nothing more than the indifference to wheat and the passion to consume all that is given" (91p)

Camus also says, 'The reason for my deep freedom is there. So 'all' is allowed. ' I want to live the most, to extend my life, and to live a life that will make life easier. Those who are aware of death, I feel infinite freedom as the death penalty of life.

He guided life to the fate of Sejif, who was punished for endlessly repeating the futile endless endless dancing of falling down from the top to the floor again, endlessly on the uphill slope of the hill, loving life and the world so much. I think it is an excellent analogy in that human life is no different from Shiseep 's punishment in uselessness and futility.

"There is a certainty of humanity in all over the seizure face, the cheek close to the rock, the shoulder that supports the stone covered in the mud, the one leg that holds it, the end of the arm that holds the stone back, The goal is achieved after a long period of time without depth or measurement, and then Sejpeh sees the stone suddenly falling down into the underworld, pushing the stone from below to the top now again. Go down to the field. "(181p)

"It is the moment of the rest of the moment when it comes back to me from the top of that mountain, and the painful face that is so painfully touched by the stone is already the stone itself! I am a heavy, I see him coming back down to the agony he can not see any way at all, like this time of breathing, and this time of unrequited regeneration, is the time of consciousness. The moment when he goes down a little further toward the lair, the moment is greater than his destiny. He is stronger than his rock. "(182p)

The body of Sisyph and the weight of the rock that presses him. The fierce contacts are not able to embrace each other, but the opposite world and his absurdity. I know that I will be a mortal (= mortal), but I will not stop struggling. Human beings who want to be self-explanatory are those who hang on to such absurdity. For Camus, life is the only one where brilliance and usability coexist in a conscious consciousness. It is an aesthetic conclusion.

In this book, which is like the liquidation of the water, one can say that the one-sentence has a high density and is heavy. Besides, it seems unkind, but it is very kind. I also have been suffering from this absurd feeling for a long time. The description of Camus almost matches my experience. It was really choking and I thought it would die. After reading this, it seemed to me that I was overwhelmed by Cameron's incredible portrayal beyond reason and logic, and the overwhelming resistance and love for the world. Camus must have lived fiercely somewhere between philosophy, art, and literature. I feel great when I think of Camus, who wanted to live as much as possible, living in a world that left this book for us and then left the world in an unfortunate accident. Camus, whom we know, will never think, but maybe the world of absurdity could not have left him anymore ...

I recommend you read this book by yourself. There is a big difference between what you have read and what you have read, but it seems to be bigger. It is a beautiful and valuable book that can not be expressed and explained even though I explain it. I would also like to strongly encourage you to know that the 'Gentiles' are completed based on the ideological foundation of 'Sejip Shinhwa'.

I can not explain the story of Camus more accurately than the genius Camus because of my lack of ability, so this review is very hard. So I did a lot of excerpts. It seems to take about 5 hours. I have to study a lot more.