Korean YouTubers Now Seeing Ads for Steem!

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

Korean YouTubers Now Seeing Ads for Steem!.png

Are we ready to help more Korean YouTubers discover Steem by investing in YouTube ads which have proven extremely effective promoting Steem in the USA, Canada, Australia, and United Kingdom? With South Korea being the top place Steem and SBD are traded, the data clearly seems to say YES!

Prefer to read in Korean? Try https://steemit.com/kr/@kim066/53dg1r thanks to the translation from @kim066!

If you would like to quickly see how I create the ads with Google AdWords (YouTube ads) to Korean YouTubers along with the initial results here, will you please watch this quick video on @dtube because it shows every step I take to make the ads?

Watch Me Create the Ads in Korea on @dtube!

Video Ad!

The video I am using for the ads is the one that has proven most successful in keeping users watching the longest with the title "#1 All In Altcoin for 2018?" It starts by emphasizing Steem's features as a cryptocurrency and incorporates hundreds of comments of feedback in how I explain Steem!


The average viewer in South Korea is watching over 20 minutes of the video which is amazing given that english is not a native language in Korea although the ads are targeted to any user YouTube believes can speak english.

korea views average duration.jpg

The current budget is $25 a day which with $0.03 cost per view equals about 750 views a day on videos with cryptocurrency keywords from users choosing NOT to skip the ad!

steem all in crypto korea.jpg

The top keyword by watch time and views is Bitcoin with users watching intending to watch a video about Bitcoin instead spending an average of 20+ minutes learning about Steem!

korea bitcoin keyword.jpg

Video in Korean?

While this initial test of my video ad in Korea proves Korean users interested in cryptocurrencies are very open to learning about Steem, what I would prefer is to advertise a video explaining all of this in Korean using https://steemkr.com/.

With @clayop being one of the leaders of the Korean community, I have sent him a private message asking for a YouTube video he recommends for advertising in Korea. If you know of a YouTube video in Korean that will make an outstanding ad for Steem, will you please post it here because then I can use it for YouTube ads? If you speak Korean and English and are willing to verify the quality of an ad, will you reply to any suggestions here because that will help me know the ad is good given that I only know how to say thank you, yes, and no in Korean?

I love Korea and visited Seoul in 2015 to see a friend there. We are very grateful for the huge excitement in Korea about Steem which appears to be one of the main reasons for the price increase over the last several months. Helping more Koreans discover Steem with YouTube ads in Korean may be our best chance to build on the rapid growth we already have there!

Thank you very much for reading this which I hope was useful in keeping the excitement high about Steem!

Jerry Banfield

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Hi @jerrybanfield, I just would like to know if its ok to translate your post in korean and post it on my blog. (with your link attached on the bottom). I'm Korean American who can speak both english and Korean fluently. I think more Koreans should know what you are trying to achieve, and that being said, I would like to share your post and spread your message with my followers as well as overall korean community. plez let me know

Yes please do! Thank you for offering! Will you attach a link in the comments when it is finished because that will help readers find it?

sure! and I also just posted your article in Korean, please come and check it out.

Thank you very much for the translation which I am editing into the post!


That is awesome stuff jerry. I am seeing many Dtube posts now and most of them are coming from youtube users. When it comes to promote steem platform, I see your efforts the best of all others.

More power to you and steem

I'm really amazed with the way you contribute to this community. It looks like you never run out ideas. Would you consider to make ads for Indonesian Youtubers?

Hey Jerry I did a post on steemit reward system...if ya can resteemit it, that would be awesome. Plus I fully upvoted ya, keep up the good work man! cheers!

upvotes 1.png

Here, I am taking my same comment I have posted on another thread. I really hope to get some satisfying answers.

Do we really need more users? Why? just to show stats of how much user registered on blockchain and show off some Alexa rank? Reading some of the Ned's comment yesterday gave me feeling that he doesn't care about the users and content contributors at all, and anybody else other than investors are worthless and still, you want those worthless users who will be called sheep later to increase your reputation?lol

Do users earning nothing on social platforms need us? Absolutely. @ned has a vision that is complimentary to what the rest of us are doing!

Have you gone through some of his comments?it's pathetic to see how he represents himself as a CEO of steemit. You are already a big user and you don't know the problem of new users at all. when you want to drive new users without fixing many problems here this platform will only grow as no. of registered users not as no. of active users...

Why do users only need steemit? smart users still monetize their social media in many ways, while other regular user just use it as social media and they are not using it for money.
But here when you advertize your product as a form of monetary platform and users won't get what you are spreading over the internet they find this just another scam ..nothing more.I have already seen some of the bigger names joining and leaving the platform because they were not satisfied at all...

We have over half of our users active every week which is amazing! We certainly are not perfect which is what makes our lives interesting! @ned is just a regular guy like the rest of us and I am happy we can see that here. What is amazing is our collective contributions on this website which have made steemit.com a top 1000 website within 2 years globally.

Yes some have came all excited and left in frustration. Many will come back as Steem grows. I help as many new authors as I can get started which now numbers in the thousands I have upvoted, resteemed, etc. @minnowsupport has many more working together for the same as do other communities like @ocd.

I feel hurt and frustrated with what I see sometimes on Steem also. What brings me back is the love for our community. We are like family here and creating huge value.

Just remember how the same community treated you and gave a tag of scamer to you and sheep to your followers. And by the way I am one of that sheep as they say lol.
May be you didn't see that thread where Ned has clearly hinted that Investors are the only real contributors and how he doesn't care about other users in his eyes, and that's the CEO of Steemit for you.

Woff, woff!

Hello @jerrybanfield, Nice to meet you!

I'm a guide dog living in KR community. I can see that you want to contribute to KR community and communicate with other Korean Steemians. I really appreciate it and I'd be more than happy to help.

KR tag is used mainly by Koreans, but we give warm welcome to anyone who wish to use it. I'm here to give you some advice so that your post can be viewed by many more Koreans. I'm a guide dog after all and that's what I do!


  • If you're not comfortable to write in Korean, I highly recommend you write your post in English rather than using Google Translate.
    Unfortunately, Google Translate is terrible at translating English into Korean. You may think you wrote in perfect Korean, but what KR Steemians read is gibberish. Sorry, even Koreans can't understand your post written in Google-Translated Korean.
  • So, here's what might happen afterward. Your Google-Translated post might be mistaken as a spam so that whales could downvote your post. Yikes! I hope that wouldn't happen to you.
  • If your post is not relevant to Korea, not even vaguely, but you still use KR tag, Whales could think it as a spam and downvote your post. Double yikes!
  • If your post is somebody else's work(that is, plagiarism), then you'll definitely get downvotes.
  • If you keep abusing tags, you may be considered as a spammer. It may result to put you into the blacklist. Oops!

I sincerely hope that you enjoy Steemit without getting downvotes. Because Steemit is a wonderful place. See? Korean Steemians are kind enough to raise a guide dog(that's me) to help you!

Woff, woff! 🐶

Thank you for everything that you do for steemit

I'm watching it now.. and wow, really interesting & tempting Steem introducing video!

And Yes, if more Koreans getting to know about Steemit, more hype will be following in.. and guess what, Steem & SBD price to the Moon~!!
In fact, @clayop is leading #kr community in a really healthy way, (and we Koreans working hard all together!) so there's almost No Spam at all, but various topics to discuss, informative posts & creative posts are making the community to prosper. isn't it cool? :)

Jerry, never left a comment on your post before, but it's really good that you put a #kr tag on it, so many koreans can check this post out, and share it around! I appreciate your post a lot, and decided to leave a comment! ^^

2018 will be a great year for Steem & Steemit!

Lastly, let me teach you one expression which Korean will be So AMAZED if you Say it in Korean.

It's 가즈아!! [Gazuaa]
Which means 'Let's Go', literally,
And we say it a Lot nowadays when we want some coin price to rocket to the Moon!

So next time, if some of your youtube video is targetting to Koreans, make sure to use this Phrase!

(With your Expressive expressions, it will be Golden xD)

Steem & SBD to $100!! Gazuaaa~!!! xD

Thanks for the great post!
Have a nice day! ^^

Hey this was great! I enjoyed being enlightened. Thanks for the reply.

@y-o-u-t-h-m-e thank you very much for commenting and letting me know about 가즈아!! [Gazuaa] which I will give a try in one of my next videos and see who notices!


Just used your bid bot and voted you as witness. I am a new user. I do not expect that you will ever read this post, but let me write anyways. I think you are doing excellent work for STEEM and the new users. I have seen several of your videos, I remember especially the one where you described the early days of Joe Parys. I thought it was moving and informative. I do not go for the hype. I am here for the good quality content. If we can all promote good content and get out of "spam for money" this platform will be so much better. I hope you understand what I mean. Many thanks!

Wao @jerrybanfield , this is super awesome like the most coolest thing ever.

Your dedication to see this platform grow is worthy of studying.
You have spurred me on to start my own awareness in the little way i can.

Going through the video now, all i can say is you "killed" it man,
I love the way you make the introduction, you would be an excellent copywriter if you ask me.

Keep up the good job man!

@azircon thank you very much for bidding with my bot and voting for me as a witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses because those help me do Steem full time while your comment here helps me stay motivated!

azircon: I suspect you are right in that JB may not respond. He has definitely got the tiger by the tail and must be very busy. I too am new and wonder how these guys can keep up with all the comments and posts of those who follow. Perhaps it's impossible. I do agree with you that ultimately we must be dedicated to good quality content and good quality relationships instead of falling to the temptations to running around like a bunch of kids at an Easter egg hunt (even though that is fun). Well... perhaps a little running around!! But you get what I'm staying. Balance. Care. Relationships. Lifting up others on our way. Blessings.

But he did respond, and I appreciate that.

Dang! He did indeed. Don't know how he does it.

Thats a great news

I wish you accept my gift


Thank you very much for the picture @askmee!

Jika ada waktu kunjungi blog saya

@jerrybanfield, that guy sure looks like you. lol

you did a good job man i must say. i wish i can give you a thousand thumps up.

Korea is big into crypto. But I personally don't like your ad.

  • Cut it

Are you serious? 1hr 19 minutes ads, people freak out when they see this. People won't watch 1hr ads.

  • Ad for Korea in english?!

Ad for korea should be in korean.

  • start sell faster

Table of advantages - how many users, speed, no fees ... It's all very cool and promising, but no one will see this. No one. They refreash page.

  • don't be overly emotional

It looks weird. Really

  • lower your target price (10$).

It's almost impossible. Market cap should be 20 + billions. It's 2000%. People see this, and they think that you are a scammer, if you think that steem will be 100 $ next year. If you want steem to be 20 billion market cap - make it direct exchange in major exchanges to USDT. Steem should become easy speculative asset.

You know, it takes testicular fortitude to tell it like it is, especially in a community where the drift is toward pleasing. I think, however, that it is a very positive thing to be observant with the intent to support and lift another up. I suspect JerryB will respond favorably. Blessings.

Thanks, so funny)) testicular fortitude, sounds like testicular fortress for me, a little.

Thank you for sharing how you feel here because as @mistermercury it can be difficult in a community where we are rewarded to please! As you have the courage to tell me how you feel, I feel the Steem price will be $100+ based on the data I see and the people I have met.

I am hoping to receive a link to a video in Korean promoting Steem I can advertise that will directly address the points you have mentioned in being shorter, starting the sell faster, not being overly emotional, and perhaps having no price or a lower target price.

According to the data I showed in here from YouTube, 50% of viewers are skipping the ad likely in response to your points while 50% are watching an average of 20 minutes each with likely most while five minutes or so while a few watch the whole video!

Once Koreans know about Steem and add it to Korean exchanges.
Price will go up and Steem is going to be more popular every day.

So excited to see that day, when Steem take place facebook.

good dtube post@jerrybanfield thank you

youtube tubeye karşı ebnce bu yüksek gelir elde edeceğiniz bir yer başlamak için tam zamanı hadiş hodllll Logo_Black.png

Are you funding this personally Jerry?

"kr" is now a top category on Steemit, so your ad is either working gangbusters, or you're about to tap into a heavy trend which already exists, which is it?

The bids from my account's voting bot are funding the ads!

Good observation regarding koren community watching video ads of cryptocurrency specially steem. This will be the good addition for korean users to get involved in steemit. Sir @jerrybanfield you should connected to a good and reputable person if he is on steemit and make some videos or articles in korean language to target korean community. Stay connected with you to read more valuable posts for steemit network. Nice post shared, thanks.

How do I delegate steem to Jerrybanfield?

there is always an idea that never-ending from you, cool !!

nicee.. hehe

Hehehehe lumayan bagus..tapi dengan ini kamu akan lebih baik dalam postingan kamu kedepan, saya suka mengikuti postingan kamu..semangat semangat

wonderful idea to use the steem add rather the you tube nice change keep promoting it was interesting

yeh i saw this

Thanks sir for the information of dtube.

hm..buyed some steem. last week.. I hope you're right ;)

South Korea is one of the countries in Asia that grows like flowers in bloom. All eyes were on him.

Well I for one I'm a big fan of Korea even though I barely know anything about them except what I see through their movies. I see this all is impressive work and hope to be this contributory to STEEMIT in the near future.

I love when a man is so selfless, always trying to help others enjoy what we are enjoying here. Thank you @jerrybanfield.

Keep your posts full of sand and good people will accept it

It's actually amazing and inspiring to see that you are doing so much for the people of Korea and also for the steemit platform, but apart from YouTube are you using another medium to create awareness ?

This is a good one, Nice work

Your hardwook and commitment is really encouraging.
Keep it up, learning and following your footsteps.
Nice one

Hi @jerrybanfield I have wait for long time for your update.
Because I know in your posting there Are many knowledge..
If you have many time you may upvote to my posting
Thank you sir.

Great Video and thanks for all the info, but personally, i think the video is too long. About an hour and a half? Its tiring! That's my opinion anyways

Great video! Keep going your great work!

I wish I had extra $25 every day for charity....

Thanks for your effort and the good work for the community. As you put effort on it, hope the community grows as well! Happy New Year !

Thanks Jerry.. I wait next Information.. That very interesting

Great feat!!! @jerrybanfield
I remembered vividly the role Korea has played in helping the value of SBD and Steem grow.
How much more could we see it grow if a promo via Youtube is promulgated.
Great efforts!!!

Hello @jerrybanfield man your post really great
I am send you 1.500 so chak here

As a fella Korean myself - I approve

Jerry you are doing great job, Reblog post.

I listen an watch @jerrybanfield for all my steem News

Thanks for all the work you do to help spread the good word @jerrybanfield! You are the man!

I like you post, please vote post me

What you didn't target North Korea for your ads :P

All the beast dear

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