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RE: ICO의 성공뒤의 탐욕, 이더리움은 비트코인을 제칠 수 있을까?, The Greed behind of success of ICO, Ethereum beats Bitcoin?

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

BAT 측에서 아래와 같은 내용으로 답변이 왔습니다. 읽어보시고 판단하시길 바라겠습니다.

ETH hit 218 today. If we started the sale today, we’d likely raise more than $34M.

This note considers feasible alternatives to how to handle the “overshoot” above $24M target set in USD. To make numbers easy, say we overshoot by 4:3 from $24M to $32M as reckoned based on ETH:USD at end of sale. Non-exhaustive and (note well) non-exclusive list of ideas:

  1. Promise to set aside all ETH left after converting enough to USD to hit $24M. Then evaluate options (see below).

  2. Promise to develop a blockchain analysis that looks for sends to our sale address, and sends back 1/4 of the ETH sent from each address to our sale address assuming 4:3 overshoot. In other words, a pro-rata return of ETH based on end of sale USD raise to $24M target. Problems: fiat:ETH volatility experienced by people buying in, ETH:USD volatility by us trying to secure $24M USD, sends can fail, sender contract could reject ETH, and risks of building the analysis program that uses

  3. Promise to spend the overshoot on user acquisition by best means, TBD as we go, that are available (BAT, USD, XBox a la Microsoft, sharing with other BAT-enabled apps as specs and rules come up for how to use BAT evolve).

  4. Endow a new entity with the overshoot, to further support BAT-enabled apps. We already said that we would work to set up a trade association, so this would be something else. One idea is to create an accelerator or VC fund for attention apps.

--- end of list ---

I think we must do (1) at a minimum. I don’t like the complexity and likely complaints about exchange rate differences/volatility in (2). I like (3) because growth of user base across Brave and future BAT-enabled attention apps is best way to build the ecosystem -- advertisers will come, and publishers after. (4) is possible but needs detailing on governance with respect to the trade association.

This is our current thinking and I wanted to get good-faith comments from BAT slack members. If anyone sees a (5) we missed, or more ideas that are categorically distinct, please raise them. Thanks. Whatever we do I promise we’ll start with (1).