Interesting article about Japan and Korean cultures/ powers. From my last years spent working with kids in Thailand I can tell that Korean culture (at least the music) has made enormous gains amongst the young generation in Thailand.
Another thing that came to me when reading the part about Germany dissociating from the Nazis and therefore recognizing the atrocities of WW2, is that what I call the "face factor" seem to be running most Asian cultures in the background, and that factor probably makes it very difficult for Japanese authorities to recognize its faults. When mistakes are not allowed, it is very difficult to admit one's wrongdoings for fear of a loss of reputation and credibility.
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That's interesting to hear that you have worked in Thailand and could see more influence of Korean culture over in Thailand. I've also been living in Thailand for 7.5 years and could clearly see that Korean cultural influence has been increased in Thailand with the flow of tons of Korean restaurants in every single department store in Thailand.
For your second part of comment, I also somehow agree with your idea but I'd also like to point out that the lack of time after the Post World War II and when the new international order was set up under Bretton Woods system and another big international conflict which is Cold War between the major power with different political and social ideologies did not give enough time to rest and sort the historical problem out in many Asian countries. As time goes far until the present, the historical problem has got more complicating to be resolved because it has shifted to the political and economic issue for one country.
Thanks for sharing your idea here :)
Hope to see you around here!