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RE: [일상-2017.08.26] 아침운동 + 하루계획

in #kr7 years ago (edited)


i play with you everyday

Im owner and developer of new steem dice.
You are invited to be one of first testers of faster and better gambling blockchain app.

for a test please go to and let me know is it faster and is blockchain more precise with results




New is more faster than old one. I think t is good for me becase sometimes old one is too slow to play steemdice. And I want to know my result in steemdice. I hope to view the page to my lose or get steem in your steemdice. thank you

We can make stats for top 10 players, otherwise its a problem. To many stats wil slow down bots. But will try to make similar to etheroll top 10 bet players to have their stats for last (example) 10000 blocks

Many thanks


It was just a test :) Thanks and enjoy with small winnings as tester. Will let you know when its online