한달동안 잠수하다 돌아왔습니다./I came back to Steemit after a break!

in #kr8 years ago (edited)

건강이 안좋아서 활동 못하고 있다가 많이 나아서 돌아왔습니다.
아무도 궁금하지 않으시겠지만 ㅎㅎ안녕하세요. @nuggetmin입니다.

정신건강의학과에서 진단 결과가 나왔습니다.
강박증이랑 공황장애라고 합니다.
그리고 인지검사 했는데 지능이 높다고 나와서 기분이 좋았어요.
한편으로는 머리는 좋지만 내가 노력을 안해서 이런건가 싶어서 우울하기도 합니다.

I was not able to work due to bad health condition and now I am back since I got very much better.
I know no one would care, but just wanted to let you guys know, lolGood morning. This is @nuggetmin.

I was able to get the Diagnostic results from the Department of Mental Health.
I was diagnosed as OCD and panic disorder.
I also had to have a test called 'Wechsler intelligence Adult Scale' and I got a very good intellegence score!
I felt good about it.
Meanwhile, I feel kind of sad because I DO have ability to do something but I don't put much efforts to it...


가장 친한 친구랑 4년전부터 가기로 했던 여행을 갔습니다.
원래 해외여행을 가려고 했지만 제 소원이었던 캠핑카에서 살아보는 것 때문에
캠핑카 숙박을 갔습니다.
여기서 먹었던 고기가 여태 먹었던 고기중에 가장 맛있었어요.

By the way, I went on a trip with my best friend.
I originally intended to travel abroad.
But, we went on a campervan trip since it was one of the things in my bucket list.
The meat I ate here was the most delicious meat I've ever eaten.


작업을 하면 토를 하는것때문에 코딩을 못하는동안
제 멘토선생님께서 추천해주신 이 책을 읽었습니다.
주의력 산만 이라서 읽는데 한달이나 걸렸지만
보통일주일이면 읽을 수 있으실 겁니다.ㅋㅋ
시나리오 플롯을 공부하는것이 재미있었습니다.
한가지 재미있었던 것은 미술이나 코딩공부를 할 때마다
많이 모작을 해봐라 많이 다른코드를 따라해봐라
라는 말을 많이 들었는데
이 책에서도 아마추어는 참고하지만 프로는 표절한다고 하면서
모작을 많이 해보라고 했던것이 신기했습니다.

결국 모든것을 잘하려면 많이 경험을 하는것이 정답인가봅니다.
그리고 그것을 실행하려면 즐기는 것을 하는것이 쉬워서
즐기는자를 이길수 없다
고 하는가 봅니다.

오늘부터 버거러쉬 개발일지도 적을게요

I was not able to do my work because I was keep vomiting.
I have read a book about scenario writing that my mentor recommended for me.
It took me for about a month to read because I was distracted when reading it.
Usually you can read it in a week.XD
It was fun to study the scenario plot.
One interesting thing was that whenever I studied art or coding
"Try to copy a lot of masterpieces" or "Try to copy a lot of different codes"
I heard a lot of words like this.
This book was also saying,
Amateurs refer to it, but pros plagiarize.
It was interesting to have asked me to do many works too.

To sum up, I think experiencing lots of things will help me to be a professional.
And it become much easier to the person who enjoys doing it.
"The one who tries hard cannot beat the one who enjoys it."
I think. (and this is also a very old Chinese idiom)

I'll write Burger Rush development journal from today.


건강이최고임니다. 건강잘챙기세요.

건강잘챙기시고 반갑습니다. 팔로우 보팅하고 갈께여