콩글리쉬- Konglish

in #kr6 years ago (edited)

콩글리쉬- Konglish

Point #3

Fun vs Funny

이번 표현들이 한국사람들한테 굉장히 어려운것같아요.
근데 원어민들한테 되게 쉬운 표현들입니다.
오늘은 쉬운 설명을 통해서 여러분들이 쉽게 이해하길 바래요^^


Fun = having a good time or a time you feel excited OR a person is interesting. ( 재미있다, 어떤일을할때 자기한테 흥분시키는 느낌 아니면 어떤 사람이 재미있으면 이 표현을 씀)

예를 들면,

A: What did you do last night?
B: I had the best time of my life. I went to a DJ Kygo concert. It was extremely fun.
A: That's amazing. I wish I had gone as well.

A: When do you usually have fun?
B: I usually have fun when I play tennis. I love tennis.
A: Really? I am a huge tennis fan as well.

A: I joined this English class that helps me to avoid using Konglish.
B: How's the class?
A: The class and the teacher are really fun.

Fun에 관련된 표현을 알려드리겠습니다.

  1. a blast - "The concert we went to was a blast."
  2. have a good time - "I had a good time when I to my friend's party."
  3. have a time of one's life - "My children had a time of their lives at LotteWorld."

fun에 관련된 표현이 많아서 위에 있는 표현을 사용하셔도되고 아니면 다른 표현을 아시면 댓글에서 써주시면 됩니다.


Funny= something that makes you laugh or something/someone is humorous.
간단하게 설명해드리겠습니다. 이 단어의뜻이 바로 웃기다

제가 수업할때 가장 많이 틀리는 표현은?

A(Me): Alright guys, class is finished. You may go now.
B(Korean): Thanks Teacher. This class was funny.
A(Me): I did my best, but I wasn't funny during class so why was I funny?
B(Korean): What?.....because your teaching style is good.
A(Me): Ah!!! I think you mean "This class was fun."
B(Korean): Right, right. That is what I meant.

이런 상황이 거의 맷날 있어요 ㅋㅋ
그래서 한국사람들이 fun과funny 차이를 그냥 외웠으면 좋겠어요^^

이제 아래 예를 한번 보세요

웃긴 상황

A: Hey, let me tell you what happened yesterday.
B: What happened? Something serious?
A: No, nothing like that. I was walking down the street and this man who was looking at his phone passed by me. He kept walking and he wasn't looking in front of him and then all of a sudden, he smashed his head right into a poll. It looked painful but at the same time it looked funny.
B: hahahaha..I've witnessed that before as well. It is funny when people do that.
A: I hope it doesn't happen to you because I will laugh really hard.
B: It won't!

웃긴 사람

A: I met this guy yesterday at the bar and he was extremely funny. I want to meet him again.
B: What did he say that was so funny.
A: He was just cracking jokes about his roommate.
B: Invite me next time. I want to see how funny this guy is.






이제부터 여러분들이 fun과 funny 차이를 잘 기억하시고 올바른 표현을 잘 사용하셨으면 좋겠습니다.

모두가 댓글에서 자기가 한번 a와 b의 대화 예문을 만들어보세요.


Hanging out with my BF is really fun.

Correct. Good job!

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Whatever you do in your life, don"t let the fun stop and die.

A funny guy is always looking for a chance to make people happy and have fun with his friends by making a joke.

Thank you for your help and the lectures you have posted.

Good work. You hit the nail on the head!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks a lot paloalto62!!!