콩글리쉬- Konglish

in #kr7 years ago (edited)

PLay vs Have Fun.png

콩글리쉬- Konglish

Point #4

play vs have fun

한국사람들이 놀러가는 걸 엄청 좋아하시죠?!?! 술을 마시거나 맞집에 가서 맛있게 먹거나 한국사람들이 되게 신나게 노는 편이에요. 저는 이태원에 살고있으니까 신나게 노는 한국사람들을 많이 봤어요. '놀다'란 단어가 play란 뜻인데 영어는 '놀다'란 뜻이 너무 많아서 한국사람들이 헷갈릴 수도 있습니다.

근데 제가 수업할때나 얘기할때나 주말에 뭐했냐고 물어보면 play라는 단어를 많이 사용한것같습니다.


A(Andrew): Hello, how was your weekend?
B(Korean): It was good. I played with my friends.
A(Andrew): What exactly did you play? soccer? baseball?
B(Korean): No, no. I met my friends and ate some delicious food.
A:(Andrew): Oh, I see. You HAD FUN with your friends.

제가 이런 상황이 많았어요


play= when you do an activity usually related with sports; joking( 어떤 활동을 할때 쓰는 동사이구요 당연히 Play의뜻이 많아서 위에 상황만 얘기해드리겠어요)

예를 들면,

A: I saw you at the park with your daughter. What were you doing?
B: I was playing with my daughter on the swings and playing catch.
A: You are a good parent. Showing interest towards your kids is very important.
B:Yeah. I try to do my best. Where were you heading when you saw me?
A: I was heading to the soccer field. I played soccer with my friends.
B: Sounds good. Can you invite me next time?
A: Sure.

Play는 어떤 활동 하거나 어린이들이 놀때 쓰는 말입니다.
그래서 한국어른들이 "I played with my friend"라고 하면 되게 웃기고 어색한 문장이에요.

play와 비슷한 단어나 표현 - do, go

play가 항상 명사 앞에 붙이는 게 아닙니다. 활동마다 따르니까 잘 기억하셔야죠.

  1. play + tennis, soccer, badminton, baseball, chess, poker, video games

  2. do + martial arts, taekwondo, archery

  3. go + bowling, fishing, swimming, hiking

여러분들이 이제부터 동사랑 활동의 단어들을 잘 사용하셨으면 좋겠어요^^

have fun

제가 선호하는 표현을 바로 'have fun' 입니다.

A: What did you do on the weekend?
B: I had fun on the weekend with my family.
A: Did you go somewhere?
B: Yeah. We went to Jeju for the weekend. We did a lot of things there.
A: Like what?
B: We went scuba diving and sailing. And of course, we ate a lot of good food.
A: I think I'll go on my next vacation.

한국사람들이 play보다 이표현을 많이 사용하시면 좋겠어요.
그리고 원어민들이 자기한테 '주말에 뭐했냐' 질문을 받을때 'have fun'보다 그냥 그날에 정확히 뭘했는지 말해요.


A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I met my friend and we had a couple of beers together.

A: What did you do last week?
B: I went to my friends house and hung out with them.

이렇게 표현하는게 더 낫습니다.

이제부터 한국사람들이 play와 have fun 언제 사용해야되는지 잘 아시면 영어로 말할때 더 자연스럽습니다. ^^

댓글에서 자기가 한번 a와 b의 대화 예문을 만들어보세요.


a: I am going to go fishing with my friends tomorrow.
b: Oh! Sounds good! By the way, where to go?
a: We have't decided the venue yet. Do you know any good place for fishing especially in autumn ?
b: mmm.. let me think about it.
I guess HongChunGang is one of the best places for fishing and seeing fall colors.

Thanks for your posting always. I hope you are also happy and have fun when you do Steemit.

Good post! Your example was excellent.

Thanks a million!!! paloalto62