CoinKorea tweeted @ 22 Dec 2016 - 05:50 UTC
#Stratis 2017년 1월 런던 블록체인 엑스포에 참여한다고 합니다. #Blockchain$STRAT @stratisplatform
Poloniex Exchange tweeted @ 19 Dec 2016 - 04:32 UTC
On January 4th 2017, the following markets will be delisted: MMNXT, BITCNY, NBT, DIEM, LTBC, RDD, XST, XCN, XDN, SYNC, CGA, GEO, BLOCK, 1CR
Storj tweeted @ 01 Dec 2016 - 21:23 UTC
A sneak peak of v6.0 of Storj running a video stream. Should be released in the next few days.