How Kratom Made My Life Better

in #kratom9 years ago

Ayahuasca may be my BPFFL (Best Plant Friend for Life), but Kratom comes in at a close second.

The first time I tried Kratom, I was amazed! I was in a horrible mood, and after drinking the herbal tea-like substance, I felt so much better. I have a bit of arthritic pain in my right foot, and it completely went away! I also had a lot of energy, and wanted to work (now if a plant can get you to want to work, it has some potential)! The best part was that I felt completely in control of my mind (not like marijuana in any sense). It just made life better!

I worked tirelessly the last year. I managed a merchandise business, I was an administrative assistant, I was a social media scheduler, I worked on construction, I cooked and cleaned. On top of that, I had a million animals to take care of as well. I was up at 7 AM and did not sit down until 8 or 9 PM most days. What got me through this? Kratom. I fell in love. In fact, not only did it help with my energy levels, it also slightly enhanced my mood (on the same level as St. John's Warts). On top of that, it made any little pain I had in my body DISAPPEAR!

Is Kratom addictive? No. I took it almost every day for months. I haven't taken any in the last month. I'm still motivated, I still work hard. Do I crave it? On busy days, yes. But I know what addiction feels like. I've been struggling with nicotine addiction for years. THAT is an addiction. And Golly Gee, you can buy cigarettes anywhere!

Kratom has amazing benefits! It's such a powerful substance. It even helps people get off of their heroin addictions! It helps ease pain in people who suffer from arthritis. It enhances your mood, and helps you get through your day. And the best part about Kratom is that it is completely natural!

Naturally, because of its wonderful benefits, the DEA has now taken it into their power to control this substance. And at the end of this month, Kratom will be illegal to buy in the United States. They say that it is highly addictive and dangerous. They even had the audacity to place it in Schedule 1 - the most "dangerous" of all drugs! This is INSANE!

I am extremely saddened by this news. I finally found a natural substance that has helped me and others in positive ways. But because it takes away money from the pharmaceutical companies, our government has done everything in their power to make Kratom extremely hard to obtain.

And if you get caught with this tea-like substance? Starting October 1, 2016, you will be thrown in a cage.

Obviously, there is a symbiotic relationship between plants and people. Plants help nourish people, while people help plants flourish. Plants create oxygen. People take in oxygen. People breath out carbon dioxide. Plants breath in carbon dioxide, and turn it back into oxygen for people. I find this to be a beautiful life cycle, and have come to really respect and love the botanical world because of this. Obviously plants have a relationship to all forms of life, but people have the mental capacity to understand the beauty of this cycle.

Luckily, many people are outraged by this news, and are doing everything in their power to make sure Kratom stays off the DEA's list. Hashtags such as #iamkratom are being used to try to stop the insanity of having yet another useful plant be taken off of the market. On September 13th, there will be a big march held for Kratom. I am so happy to see people standing up for this beautiful plant, and I truly believe we have the power to do something about this.

I'm not sure if petitions actually work. The government doesn't seem to care what the people want. But if you are willing to sign a petition that may keep Kratom off the already ridiculous list of illegal (what they really mean by "illegal" is mind expanding) drugs, please click here for information.

Also if you would like more information on Kratom and the recent decision to make it illegal, click here.


I would just change the petition from "Please don't make Kratom illegal" to "Hey, you bunch of criminals, fuck off and stop threatening people with guns and extorting them... and keep your filthy hands off Kratom too" ;)

Haha! I love it!

I’d never even heard of it until they planned to ban it. Sounds like the coolest plant, the kind my granny would be happy to try. You know, if it weren’t about to become a Schedule I substance.

Well there's a good idea right there - introduce it to as many older 'voting age' people as possible before October. When it's taken away, they'll know it's BS and have their eyes opened a bit...

"Mom, remember how I introduced you to Stevia as a nutrasweet alternative that doesn't cause cancer? Well here's a coffee alternative...."

Obviously, there is a symbiotic relationship between plants and people. Plants help nourish people, while people help plants flourish. Plants create oxygen. People take in oxygen. People breath out carbon dioxide. Plants breath in carbon dioxide, and turn it back into oxygen for people. I find this to be a beautiful life cycle, and have come to really respect and love the botanical world because of this. Obviously plants have a relationship to all forms of life, but people have the mental capacity to understand the beauty of this cycle.

I was just thinking on this beautiful fact about nature a few days ago. Thinking how plants are "breathing in and out" so that we can breathe in and out. It really became obvious to me how magical that all kind of is.

I love this, and Kratom is fantastic, I've had such great experience with it... it's no shock they want to put a ban on a fucking perfect thing that is healing people.

Just ordered a sample pack.... Lovely article!