in #krishna7 years ago

Here is another quote that Torben has found to support his position of no spontaneous ecstatic devotional service allowed....ever....
But Srila Prabhupada does not say that. He says to "be careful of mental speculation." Which is exactly what Torben is doing. He is speculating on the meaning of what Srila Prabhupada is saying. He uses this quote to offend a devotee who is absorbed in ecstatic loving service and preaching on the ecstatic platform. This is to be expected and happens all the time. It is enviousness. He never listens to Gaurahari Das prabhu's preaching just sees him externally and has no internal realizations. No loving bhakti. So of course he doesn't recognize it and tries to kill love of God. Like there is something wrong with love of God. Torben is a self made guru. But his conclusions are demonic. Many demons are fully acquainted with the Vedas, give charity, are very knowledgeable. But they do not like love of God. they hate Krishna. Torben never says anything about Krishna or Lord Chaitanya. Only rules.....don't do this... don't do that. What to do he obviously doesn't have a clue. He is concerned only with liberation not love of God. Liberation is already there when the devotee is engaged in loving devotional service.


  • I have now become liberated, I don't require to follow the regulative principles -
    "If we follow our promise... That is gentlemanly.
    If you have promised something, you must follow it. That is gentlemanly.
    So because we may fail... There is chance; we are prone to fail.
    Jīvera svarūpa haya nitya kṛṣṇa dāsa
    But sometimes we forget.
    Not sometimes---practically always we forget.
    That is material. When we forget that we are eternal servant of Kṛṣṇa, that is material life.
    Otherwise, if we remain servant of Kṛṣṇa, even in this material body, still, we are liberated.
    īhā yasya harer dāsye
    karmaṇā manasā vacā
    nikhilāsv apy avasthāsu
    jīvan-muktaḥ sa ucyate
    [Brs. 1.2.187]
    So we must follow the rules and regulation very... Therefore it is said that viśrambham anavasthānasya śaṭha-kirāta iva saṅgacchante.
    We should not believe our mind, that we have become perfect.
    By mental dictation we should not be guided.
    That is a very bad practice, to think of, that "I have now become liberated, I don't require to follow the regulative principles."
    So we must be very careful."
    Srila Prabhupada, 1976, Vrindavana

srila-prabhupada-and-beads 1.jpg

Meena Devi Dasi Yes. prabhu you stay there. You are not ready for ecstatic love of God. And after many millions of lifetimes you'll get it. Because without taking the association of an ecstatic devotee immersed in loving ecstasy of the Lord it takes a long long time to reach that state of ecstasy. It is not impossible but a devotee must follow EVERYTHING according to rules and regulations PERFECTLY. As described in Nectar of Devotion... early chapters. Very very difficult especially in this age and not even recommended by the Lord. See conversation between the Lord and Ramananda Roy. Best way is... to hear from an ecstatic devotee. Very quickly the ecstasy of love of God appears in your own heart.



hare krishna @jiva34

Keep up

Keep up the good work

What we do must be useful, good or bad

I am not sure if you are really talking about drugs right now ? Someone can help me understand ? Thanks haha peace !

Yes. take this... Hare Krishna.. stay high forever... Capture.PNG