There were several preparations brought from different homes A lot of preps really. More than could be placed on the table. Some containers were piled on the stove and other counters.
There were sweet preps and vegetables preps, some store bought preps.. like tortilla chips and humus..they were offered with love. After all this wasn't the temple deities it was a home gathering.
I said, "Your preparation is the best." And it was very tasty.
They said, a little sheepishly but with a laugh, "They had offered it but when they tasted it... it needed something. It was bland." So they added a few ingredients after it had been offered.
I said, "The other preps are a little heavy but yours is light and cuts through everything with a distinctive taste"
They laughed again, "OK. I'll tell you the secret ingredients. I added pickle juice from some sweet and sour pickles and also cut up little pieces of the pickles and threw them in."
I laughed, "Ha Ha. A little something extra. I love pickles."

Thats amazing vegetable recipe.