Arjuna bent his head down and, without looking up, replied: "I would much rather have continued to be an exile in the forest than kill the grandsire and the teachers whom I love, but I shall obey you. Drive on." MB 72 (Mahabharata Retold By C. Rajagopalachari)
A little while ago I read and recorded a simple version of the Mahabharata by C. Rajagopalachari. There are about 100 short chapters. it is an abbreviated version. The original Mahabharata is very very long. But it is written very nicely and fairly easy to understand and follow. the Mahabharata is actually a history of ancient India. Five thousand years ago there was a world war in which all the leaders of the civilized world were killed. Millions of soldiers died also. When they fought it was in a designated area, not like today where the civilians are attacked. Only the soldiers fought. the entire world changed dramatically. The way governments worked etc. It was turning point in human civilization. They also had nuclear weapons but the weapons were launched by mantras. They had weather weapons also. But their sciences were more subtly controlled, mostly by sound. But no less effective. Just a different type of science. I hope you find this series interesting and valuable and it helps to broaden your horizons.
The text can be found here:
Well content and nice video,@jiva34
Nice post ,,This is the chapter of 72 on Mahabharata ..Cool video,,@jiva34
I like you blog.
Thanks for sharing.Good post mam @jiva34
Thank you @jiva34 for share (MAHABHARATA CHAPTER 72 THE NINTH DAY)
You Have done another amazing job......great job @jiva34 carry on your job.
wow... it's great.✌
Mam @jiva34 thanks for spiritual content.
Thank my friend for sharing the great Mahabharata chapter 72.
There are about 100 short chapters.yeah, it is an abbreviated version.
Real Mahabharata is very long,i know it,,This part is good,because watching full video is so boring ,,This part by part chapter keep a good role to see,,