This was just so beautiful and added to the weird mood I'm in at the moment, I have teary eyes again...
(I cried in history class today as well, it's just one of those days, I guess ^^ - we were talking about the human history in general and spoke of different occasions were a lot of people were killed... and I just thought, how can we talk in numbers like this, without seeing and feeling the suffering behind it. Yes, thousands of people died here and there and just imagine - they all had a family that loved them and they all had feelings like love and hope and they all wanted to live a happy life... why does nobody cry for these people and how do we sum up these numbers and forget that there is a real life behind every one of them? sorry for the rant, but I think it fits a bit)
You are right. Everyone should fall in love with a tree like yours and spend time with it, should meditate with it and share its heartbeat for a while and humanity would grow more sensitive to the suffering of other creatures, too.
Thank you a billion times for sharing this and have a wonderful day :)
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thanks for your input and for taking your time to read this post :) @viraythewitch!
It is actually not written by me, but by K. When I first started to listen to his words I felt an amazing sense of peace. I encourage you read and listen more from him. His name was Jiddu Krishnamurti.
I didn't write his name in the post because I didn't want people to think along the lines of "oh, another one of those eastern philosophers..." It is really worth your time!
I was wondering about the tag... Okay, I will do so, thanks for the reference :) it's funny that I just read his name about two days ago in a book I'm recently reading about healing mother earth - all these wonderful coincidences ;)
I know the feeling :))