Kristin Kreuk who played Lana Lang on Smallville and her time at sex cult NXIVM with Keith Raniere

in #kristinkreuk6 years ago (edited)

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Kristin Kreuk has made an effort to distance herself from Keith Raniere and his group he founded called NXIVM which was allegedly ran as a sex cult. Sadly the charges in connection with Kreuk's former co-star on Smallville, Allison Mack, purported to be second in command and who helped with initiations of branding women and encouraging the to hand over collateral to the leader she is said to have been in love with. Collateral in the form of damaging stories and nude photos that would enable Raniere to blackmail them if they tried to get out of a secret group within the cult called DOS.

DOS is an acronym for the latin phrase Dominus Obsequious Sororium which translates to The Slave Women under the Master. Fairly creepy right?

Here is a tweet by Kristin Kreuk when Raniere was arrested. More than likely she was trying to slow down the train of questions that would arise from her time spent with this cult group.
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Yet Frank Parlato states this in an article titled, "Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park – silent, not brave, at crucial hour – as NXIVM sex slave cult exploited women ‘before their very eyes," He continues, "I advised the actresses, Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park, to get ahead of this story before the big news broke.

I said this for their sake, not the sake of the fight we were waging. They had a chance to be heroes. They had a chance to take a bold step and act in real life similarly to the roles they played on TV. I was ignored.

Now at least one, Kristin Kreuk is trying to get ahead of the story. It may be a case of ‘too little too late.’ Or she may weather the coming monsoon as this mind-boggling evil comes to light and is examined closely by thousands, maybe millions."

See more here

Both Kreuk and Park also starred on a Canadian teen soap together called Edgemont. See other connections between them and others in a recent article

Many former members say that actresses like Kreuk and Allison Mack were used to encourage other young women to join the group. It was felt if people saw successful actresses connected to the group, it would lend an air of credibility perhaps others wouldn't think it so bizarre to give over collateral and sign on to a polyamorous relationship with Raniere.
Here are some videos of Allison Mack's speaking with Keith Raniere who was also called the "Vanguard" . Why is the song 'He's the Man', by Sean Morey from a show I used to hear on the radio. These women completely adored this player!

Another here

Here's one where Mack and others enamored with Raniere chased the police car when he was arrested.
More voices than actually being able to see much

Here is an account of someone sent to one of the expensive classes/seminars offered which her boss wanted her to attend. This was found on a reddit thread.

[–]Cl0ud_le0pard 8649 points 5 months ago*
I got dragged into one of the NXIVM classes about 5 years ago and kristin kreuk showed up.

My boss at the time told me he was sending me to a "leadership and management" class in LA. He was some high level member and shelled out 5k to send me there. Once I got there, things quickly went downhill.

It was held at a vacation rental, which was too small for the number of people attending.

They made us sign all kinds of paperwork, then gave everyone a white sash to wear around their neck. They explained that each person gets to a new color sash depending on how many classes they've been to and how far they've gotten in the organization.

Their itinerary was that everyone would be there, at the class from 7am to 9pm for 5 days in a row. They claimed they would feed us, but provided little to no food. They then had us watch a bunch of videos, followed by group "exercises" in which they would give scenarios and ask how that made you feel. The trick was that there were no right answers-it was all about making people feel vulnerable and that they were somehow changing. They tried to claim that if you started to feel really hungry or tired, that meant their program was working.

Every time someone would question what they were doing, the leaders would tell them they have to fight through their insecurity in order for the process to work. They would then toute the amazing celebrities that were big members of their organization.

When I showed up the second morning, they kicked the day off with everyone wearing their white sash standing in a circle and repeating some chant- I swear the neighbors must have thought the kkk was in town. Kristin kreuk showed up, and proceeded to "help" people with their group exercises. All I remember is that she looked half alert and her legs weren't shaved.

I went for lunch the second day and never went back. 2 different "leaders" from the group called me nonstop, begging me to see it through. I told them I've taken several pschology classes and that what they were doing was barely basic psychology mixed with a dash of absolute insanity. They didn't take it well and my boss wasn't too happy when he found out..oh well.

Here is the rest of the thread

It's rather interesting that youtube has appeared to have scrubbed the videos of Grace Park with Keith Reniere in such features titled Earning or Abusing Power and Authority Keith Raniere and Grace Park
~~~ embed:i8BuoIMnYDM youtube ~~~
But when you attempt to go to the link, it is gone.

Another is titled Ethic of Power, really? It's as if he has tapped into the power of Rules for Radicals where you accuse others of doing exactly what you are doing.

And yet another, Annealing the Human Spirit Keith Raniere and Grace Park

In which Frank Parlato writes,
"Editor’s note: “Annealing” refers to the process where metal or glass is heated and then allowed to cool slowly in order to remove internal stresses and toughen it. The question then becomes whether annealing occurs during human pubic branding."

Find more video titles with Grace Park and some of the history of NXIVM here

Thanks for reading or skimming. Would love to hear your thoughts and comments. I will be doing more reports on this in the near future as many people are connected and it points to much of what Q has pointed towards in drops for us to research. Thank you for sharing and making others aware during this time of the Great Awakening! Godspeed!


Thank you for exposing these horrid groups and their activities. It takes courage to put this kind of information out, but has to be done. This abusive maniacal behavior can't end soon enough.

You may be interested in Lori Handrahan's work in this area. Here is an article I wrote discussing several points in her book.

Thank you! I will be checking this out!