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RE: Confermed: Bernie Sanders is a Judas Goat

in #krockit9 years ago

Welcome to the world of anarchy! You sound like you could be a Mutualist. If you haven't heard of this flavor of anarchy, take a peek. Also, I recomend James Corbett of the @corbettreport . He is an Agorist Anarchist.

For what it's worth, I consider myself, specifically, a philosophical anarchist. I believe freedom, more than anything, is a state of mind. l agree with the morality of the anarchist philosophy - chief among them being the non-aggression principle. I'm driven by ideas and solutions and try very hard to keep emotion out of it. I support equality, but only for freedom, reciprocity and the sovereignty of the individual over one's affairs and product of their labor. I support that this can be realized though individual initiative, free contract, cooperation, competition, and voluntary association. I believe in defending against the invasive and protecting the life, liberty and property of the non-invasive.

Most importantly, I believe "You never change things by fighting the existing system. To change something, build a new system that makes the existing model obsolete." ~ Buckminster Fuller