Jitterbug Blockchain Cryptocurrency Challenge

in #kryptonia7 years ago

Everyone can have their say, their top 3 mentions on why they love crypto, plus your top 3 'jitterbug' reasons (what makes you feel uncomfortable) - what you really don't like in ideas surfacing out of blockchain technology, bitcoin or crytocurrencies.

Idea - What do you foresee coming down the road in the future, is the technology going to boom or bust? How private are we really, could governments ever move to watching us through IP addresses, conspiracy theories, do we support, or run for the hills and hide.

Jitterbug - Are you a fast dancer, or are you nervous?

Steemit supporters know cryptocurrency, working with it daily, a wild roller coaster ride (quite regularly). Share your ideas and views, @sydesjokes will join in reading with a SBD 5 reward most commented on post, SBD 5 reward most upvoted post.

Let's find out why we do what we do, share/get ideas from other members? Is it all about privacy, or preparing to guide your business into uncharted waters.

Are we thrill seekers enjoying the challenge of learning something new, cryptocurrency must have caught your imagination to drive you onto the next level of joining into a crypto driven social platform.

Now in all honesty this idea came to me reading @snowpea challenge "loveitshoveit" - my lizard brain went where it normally goes, cryptocurrency...

Let's find out why we do what we do, learn about new technology through each others eyes, what our plans are moving forward, what scares us with scammers, pyramid systems or plain old taboo.

Blockchain challenge

All that is required:

  • 3 x Why I Love Blockchain and Crypto (Alt-coin) Technology
  • 3 x What scares me the most about Blockchain and Crypto Technology
  • Tag to Use - 1st Tag on Post #kryptonia
  • Invite like minded friends to take up the challenge by adding their names at the end of the post.

Starting 24th March ending 1st April 2018

  1. Introduction to Bitcoin and BTC mining in 2015, exciting since I could wrap my brain around the idea "it can work as a new business model", FinTech is outdated, coming from corporate in financial, to working at home battling to move currency from A to B, new blockchain technology made good sense after researching for a couple of months.

  2. Living in Africa with high banking costs under central banks, this appeared to be a dream come true. Around the time of first researching a lot of talk on assisting the non-banked, moving cryptocurrency over borders to get money to families in neighbouring countries for food, at a lower rate, Yes! Bankers get rich, not people depositing hard earned cash.

  3. Learning something new, very nervously but excited to find out more. Having learned how to build a blog, social media, qr codes and their use it made sense, this was the big push forward into financials and many other ideas that would come along with blockchain technology.

  1. Being supportive in learning/growing having to put pen to paper and explain as best one could why I was doing what I do, most friends and family think I am crazy, my retort has and remains "wait and see".

  2. Expanding through scalability, (hard forks had not been heard of in 2015), how many computers world wide would be required to take up the work load online. Even at this early stage in the life of blockchain, people are fickle and jump ship with mining to earn what they can and move on. Education, so sadly lacking in tech where I live, yes most have a smart-phone to connect to things like Facebook and WhatsApp, no thought provoking stimulation as to the size of their phone being bigger than a desktop computer a couple of years ago.

  3. Privacy: Hackers, Scam Artists, Governments, Banks, all doing the jitterbug around you wanting to know more about you and what you have. Possibility of above-mentioned finding ways of identifying you online without needing your name. Security must be one of the biggest industries going into the future with blockchain technology, no one will put information out there knowing it is totally transparent.

Satoshi Nakamoto gave the world a method to strike off the chains of debt slavery, that’s is not quantifiable in dollars.

"Don't Ask - Don't Say" Being silent is not sharing and learning, I am inviting: @fitinfun @mariannewest @jaynie @floridagypsy @fhstralow @bojakcates @johngentry @hilarski

Steemit Bloggers

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The world is becoming more and more economically unsafe. The good side of crypto is to avoid governments, borders,middlemen, extra transactions as well as have high security and avoid forgery.A standardized and neutral confirmation policy backed by software that has no human agendas because I see so many people I know starting to be hurt when, in fact, there’s opportunities to make a lot of money in the space.

We all have things that make us excited (once we realize what we are doing) and nervous at the same time, fears of what could go wrong @riyuwe I know you will do a wonderful post for all to read.

Ms. @joanstewart, thanks for the Task on @Kryptonia and the @superiorcoin for completing the Task. Quite generous I may. Also thanks for challenging me. You know I have continued to procrastinate on making my introduction post and my first post. You know I don't know why this has been giving me such a hard time. I have posted or completed numerous introductions and bio's on all kinds of platforms and not a big deal, but I am glad you put my name in the challenge to force, well not really force but "challenge" me to just jump my little minnow butt into the ocean with the rest of you. I am going to complete my intro post and this challenge will be my first "official" post here on @Steemit so my NLT date is March 30th, 2018 one week from today, but I plan to be ahead of schedule. I also want to add to the reward @SydesJokes has posted and I will share that to him, we can do that right?


Have to smile @fhstralow since I too am a 'doubting Thomas', takes a while to formulate, find your feet, then get going.

One of my fears when first talking about blockchain and crypto was being fuddled or not getting the message out correctly (as mentioned) - I am really looking forward to your first "official" post on how you feel.

I went all in on crypto and the end of 2017. I didn't really understand it, but it was blooming like a bloody fire. So I made a bunch of money and then invested in a bunch of junk. I still sitting on the junk. It might come back to a raging forest fire, or it may just smolder forever. Lesson learned: this is not a place for quick fortunes.

That being said: I see vast potential in the blockchain for keeping records straight and keeping people honest. Plus, it has the potential to open up entrepreneurship to many people who can't use banking or struggle in small markets. I am sold on the concept.

And some of the junk coins have potential to do something. Just not this year.

My biggest fear is that a solar storm will knock out all of the computers and then we'll be back to begging the local friar to record a transaction. And who knows if he is honest. ;-)

Started following you yesterday on both platforms @wordymouth nice meeting you, look forward to your post on how you feel being new to crypto.

Depending on region of the world we live in, different hopes and wishes do appear, fears as well.

Privacy is now under attack globally

aantonop Andreas M. Antonopoulos tweeted @ 23 Mar 2018 - 18:24 UTC

The CLOUD Act passed. It destroys privacy globally, so it had to be snuck into the $1.3 trillion omnibus without de… twitter.com/i/web/status/9…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

The "Powers that Be?" shared, this is not good news!

what a wonderful information, I will always support superior coin any day too. Thanks for sharing. @chetachi26

I look forward to you participating and putting your top 3 why you love crypto and top 3 what makes you nervous about the blockchain structure @cryptocheta

I'm so glad to see this today, Joan and I will most definitely do a post for it. I just posted into #loveitshoveit and I thought that was a great idea too.

I came to steemit for the Alexa ranking and to get my work seen. Well who knew! Now I'm all involved in crypto and I have thoughts!

I've got you all set up in a file now and you will soon see my post. Thank you.

I'm coming to you from @kryptonia with the same user name <<< one of the better things I have going on these days :)

Steemit and Kryptonia have become places hard to get away from during the day @fitinfun and I see you actively posting daily, really looking forward to your post @fitinfun

Aw! Thank you Joan. I really appreciate your comment. I try my best here and really like the place. Now I check Kryptonia and few times a day and usually find something good.

I'm always so happy to see you on my posts or yours :)

good news i loved my friend have a nice day

Not quite sure how this comment fits in with the topic?

I think it's a game of cat and mouse. Money also come into play. If government invests in the greatest minds, then yes, they will have greatest control, which could result in some busting. If the greatest minds are hackers, well then we need to invest in anti hacking. I think it will always be a bit of both. Overall I would say that it would boom, with a few busts along the way.

Great article

Enjoying your content @jvanman be sure to post your ideas and join in this challenge, it is short and sweet and a way of defining why you got into crypto and blockchain technology.

Thinking about what to write. Kinda ironic that the challenge date is on April fools 😉

Thanks for sharing, have a nice day.

Obviously you have no comment on the topic!

I love challenges, will be sending my post through because crypto is the future, I support Kryptonia, and love learning how wallets and mining works.
Upvote for u srom kryptonia , my username @ziggy

Followed you on both platform earlier this week, enjoyed your comments and enthusiasm, look forward to reading your content for the challenge @ziggypepper

thanks for sharing from kryptonia @everdope

Did you read requirement on Kryptonia or in the content above @awosode

I love cryptocurrency because everything is recorded and cannot be faked. The success of the blockchains are voted by the people and whether it is used or not. Decentralised cryptocurrencies are better as they are not controlled by banks. The worst thing about cryptocurrencies is the FUD but over time more and more people will learn to ignore the old media coverage. And my Kryptonia account is @ianstevenson

Come join the challenge fun @ianstevenson let us know how you feel about blockchain and technology, such a positive supporter, now it's your turn to share content and let us know how you feel.

Bitcoin at $91,000 in March of 2020. I can believe this prophesy. Of course, the whole thing could crash. LOL

Blockchain and crypto hopes, dreams, fears put it into a short post @cyemela looking forward to reading it.

Thanks for sharing this post from kryptonia@christiano199

Did you take time to read Kryptonia requirements or the article above @christiano199

I guess for me it is " why i love blockchain" i mean it is very obvious that this is the future, so why be a bum? Eventually we will all adopt this advancement in a short (or in some cases, very long) while. It all depends on what you are investing and how you chose to invest. For me, just the thought that i have my investment so secured that i can access and liquidate any fraction of it anywhere in the world and even spend directly from my wallet is the best feeling of security. So i travel light and i have real peace o mind. The future.. Is here. This is @joshie3739

Write an article about how you feel with the 3 pro and 3 worrying factors and stand a change to win some SBD @joshie37 please remember to use #kryptonia as first tag.

At first, when i enter in blockchain, i thought this is just only a normal social media, but when i discover that this block chain was supported by cryptocurrency, I can say that this is for real. I love cryptocurrency because as we see it will run the world in the future and it is not controlled by bank and gov't. The only thing that scares me i when hackers enter into it. Neithertheless i believe that cryptocurrency will boom and rock the world in the coming years. From jason21 of kryptonia.

Look forward to you entering the challenge @jasonbejero everyone being new into blockchain and crypto have thoughts and now to share them. Please remember to use #kryptonia as the first tag.

Cryptocurrency is the best, you get rewarded for your time and commitment. I really love kryptonia, God bless the refferal. Upvote and comment from kryptonia @ jacobzeema

With blogging and crypto we all start somewhere, so glad you are enjoying both @jacobzeema please remember to use #kryptonia as first tag when entering this challenge. One week given to put up your thoughts!

I love crypto because i already earned from it last dec2017. The return was very, very good far beyond from what i expected. If only i knew that the price of bitcoin will rise that much i could have made my principal a bit bigger. Upvoted and commented by rubelynmacion of krypto

Depending on where we live in the world, crypto really has made it easier to advance small businesses @rubelynmacion our added extra in Steemit and Kryptonia has been a great help in meeting people, look forward to your entry into the challenge.

Obviously, what i like about crypto is that it is spreading like wildfire people are embracing it. Though it is not thought in school but people are so eager to learn about. Why?! It is because there is earning in it. People love to earn. Do you imagine why people patiently waiting for task in krypto?! It is because of the sup coins that they get and the hope that sup coins will rise its value and gain more of it. What i fears most in crypto is that when your hard-earned coins will be gone because of phishing and hacking maybe. Some People nowadays are so irresponsible in their actions they just want easy money. I have high hopes that what we already earned would be safe and earned more of it ones the value will rise sooner. rubelynmacion of krypto

I love cryptocurrency an electronic way to earn and a good way for blockchain. You can also make your desired platform at the same time and everything was recorded.
Although as bitcoin rise surely hackers will hack I hope there must an antihacking tool or codes. Anyway thank you for theInfo.

Everyone is welcome to join in this task, write your thoughts down and enter @january22secret really looking forward to reading different ideas about how people feel.

thanks for this great post.

I really love investing crypto... specialy now a days...and crypto is very famous for almost all people who love invesment, they invest it in crypto

all the way from kryptonia @deeemmosqueda

Look forward to reading your insight into crypto, it is an exciting new technology capturing the world by surprise @deemmosqueda

I'm already 3 months old on this platform but I'm still a baby in terms with crypto. But what I really appreciate is everyday I can see based on the posts of other crypto enthusiast that its growing everyday and that what makes me hold on crypto world!

Thank you for this, I'll surely try my best and burn my brows to learn cryptos so I can join.

Hello @itsjessamae we are all in this together, learning something new every day, the up's and the down's.

@sydesjokes and I will be looking forward to reading all the articles, it is a fun challenge so please remember you have a week to put an article up using #kryptonia as your first tag.

I have my concerns, but learned, if my fears direct me, I can only lose. I am seeing an opportunity but I also see the fight against anything regarding crypto and block chain. We have seen the same resistance in 80's when computers were taken into use. In my opinion the world is really running behind with the development, we could already be flying around and teleporting ourselves if we could utilize the technology invented long ago. Same is happening with crypto and blocks.

Yes running around to big corporate companies in the 1980's for them to convert was taxing and time consuming, you would think we would have moved a lot further forward since landing on the moon. Look forward to your entry into the challenge @damiana

Hey Joan I must say this is a great idea and initiative.. well I see crypto currencies taking over the world in the nearest future paper money might end up being useless my own opinion though! I will definitely contribute and discuss of this.

Thanks for joining in the challenge @segunreus living in Africa this could really help develop into a more efficient way of moving payments for us where banking is expensive, banks are not always available in certain areas.

Since from my day 1 in kryponia I believe we have future here. I gain more friends and more exciting to learn how wallets works. I keep on enjoying in Kryptonia community.

Life is fun when working in communities and learning together, also enjoying meeting people from all over the world @reatimtim

Good post I like it and upvote you. @jamescrusader44

Join in and write a post, let me know and will add you to the challenge @jamescrusader

why i like blockchain? 1. privacy 2. security 3. accountability.

What scares me the most about Blockchain and Crypto Technology?

  1. slow transactions 2. high fees 3. scalability


inviting: @riyuwe

Thanks for putting your thoughts down @bojakcates and thanks for everything you do always helping others.

Why I love crypto and blockchain technology?

  1. The excitement. Checking my exchange and seeing where I have gained or lost. It's very exciting to gain, very depressing to lose. Even if you lose, you feel like you're alive, due to that thrill-ride feeling.

  2. I love that there is the ability to disprove haters. The person that introduced me to the crypto space is a pool guy. One night him, I and this business man were all chatting and the business man pops up and says.. no offence, but a pool guy is trying to tell me about crypto, and purely for that fact he wouldn't invest in it. I have hoped and prayed every day that the pool guy will show up to this guy's house with a lambo 😂. Ofcourse with the great crypto depression, this has not happened yet.

  3. I love the community feeling amongst crypto investors. I have made instant friends with people who are even just remotely interested. It's like that feeling when you meet someone who went to the same high school as you.

Oh and to add, I love the creative names coins have. I mean there is a Donald Trump coin!

What I dislike...

  1. FOMO driven markets. I wish that this had a lesser effect than what it has. I wish there was a more stable way of predicting the market than using past trends and extrapolating, using various mathematical formulae, future predictions. These are wrong so often.

  2. knowing that buying just a few dollars worth of bitcoin in 2008/9 could have made me a millionaire.

  3. The stigma around it. I often hear the words pyramid scheme, ponzi scheme and scam when I talk to the general population. Much like the business man which I mentioned earlier.

I nominate @numbnut68 to share his sentiments

@joanstewart, I made a post about what I have written here, wasnt sure which is best, so did both haha.

Thanks @jvanman I appreciate your content and have the link (wait for April 1st, results should go up on the 2nd)

Done! Thank you so much for the interesting challenge, Joan. I'm so happy to have the chance to reflect on this :)

My Entry for the Jitterbug Blockchain Cryptocurrency Challenge

Thank you for your entry @fitinfun interesting how life is changing with new technology, just how we find out more by being inquisitive.

Your posts are wonderful, always so interesting. Kryptonia id is @grace234

Welcome to the challenge @grace234 look forward to reading your thoughts on blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency is simply the best i just started an i am already enjoying it@christiano199

What attracted you @chritiano199 how do you feel in your region blockchain technology can help society.

Blockchain is brilliant and means we can trust strangers and use smart contracts without feeling like we're going to ripped off. Everything will become more efficient and cheaper and will remove the over paid middle man. My Kryptonia account is @ianstevenson #kryptonia

Look forward to reading you post on the positive and fear factors you feel @ianstevenson

joining superiorcoin and steemit have made me to realise one thing which is the power of achieving success and greatness lies upon all we ... so i am so proud to be with superiorcoin i hope i do achieve greatness with superiorcoin......from kryptonia @everdope

Technology is opening doors for everyone to participate @awosode join in and share your feelings.

I was interested in crypto about a year ago. Although not spending much time for it, i still believe that it has a good future. I earned a little profit from the trade, so I love it.
Thank you for a gift in kryptonia @ziggy

Everyone learning together, share your thoughts via a post and enter the challenge @ziggypepper

The blockchain is one of the greatest advances in the history of humanity and its different initiatives, such as superiorcoin give us the power to overcome economic limitations and improve our quality of life as well as guarantee livelihood anywhere in the world. (rafaeluriel on Kryptonia)

The concept has been around for awhile, we are only grasping now as to what this could mean for the future, look forward to see you enter the challenge @humoalex

Let's find out why we do what we do, learn about new technology through each others eyes, what our plans are moving forward, what scares us with scammers, pyramid systems or plain old taboo.

Plenty are out there to do bad, many more to do good, share your thoughts @elpablo

Its a priviledge to know about crypto during this time of what african countries are facing......i would like to use steemit and krypronia as examples of great platforms in the crypto space where early adopters will make a lot of fortune from the new technology....and also create more opportunities for entrepreneur...
@kryptonia @easytyga @joanstewart
Thanks for sharing
Kryptonia id @bitcoinpaul

Share your feelings how people see technology helping them in Africa by entering the challenge @airsoftman

Nice , dracoblue from kryptonia

Thank you for the thought provoking task @joanstewart. The reason I love cryptos the most is the way they disrupt the financial industry, which hasn't been done for decades and the double-spending problem cryptos solved in the process. I also love cryptos because its given people a new way to innovate and produce technology in a new way that hasn't been done before. However, there are also many things that make me uneasy about the future of crypto. One being the fact that regulations are getting stricter and stricter as more and more people learn about cryptos. However, its not the regulations per say that are the most unsettling as some regulations are needed due to the many scams that have pop-uped in the crypto space as a result of the easy money that comes with many ICO launches. The most unsettling thing for me personally in the space of cryptos is the fact that I believe most of the cryptos currently on they market will not be around in another 5-10 years and it will be difficult to foresee/determine which ones are for real and which ones will be the result of pump and dumps and scams.

Some great points raised about cryptocurrency @tspink remember to do a post and use #kryptonia as your first tag, looking forward to reading.

Thank you very much for sharing .Your posts are always interesting 😘
From @kryptonia @iulianpatache

It's very nice blog and I will always promote Superior Coins and believe it will grow and grow longer. Kryptonia @reatimtim

Join in the fun @reatimtim and put up a post as indicated, half way through the week, still plenty of time.


Hello, I didn't join in the contest because I'm not a user of alt-coin that's why.

But I'm looking forward to use it in the future.

I resteemed, Upvoted, and followed you.

Kryptonia ID is the SAME @josephlacsamana Thank you so much! Shalom!

Thanks for comment @josephlacsamana

Thank you so much!