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RE: Kucoin exchange and profit sharing

in #kucoin7 years ago (edited)

Hello there. I'm sorry i can only answer today. Been waiting for my account to be validated :P

Kucoin, yes i have been using the platform. So far, i have nothing to complain, and for me , the time and effort that they put in to communications and security is a point in favor.

I also own some Kucoin Shares for the bonus purpose, and in my experience they pay everything, but with a small to medium delay. If not mistaken, they sent an announcement concerning the shares, that they were improving the rewards system, and we could feel delays on the payments.

When i first bought the shares, took about 48h to update in my Kucoin Share Bonus Explore. After that, i notice that payments in delay were being sent.

So yes, the bonus works, and you can compare the daily earnings with the amount of volume that existed in the platform for the day. Sometimes we just need to wait a bit. Just buy the shares and hold a bit to them.

Right now, i can say that i haven't been payed in the past 3 days, but i know that maybe tomorrow or couple days, things will be on point again.

Hope i helped. Cheers.

Edit: Support Tickets also have a priority to be answered , and i believe that in the same announcement , they said that with this information, tickets concerning bonus would not be priority. That is maybe why yours haven't been answered. Cheers