KURE Community Curation App, Fundition Update - Kurated Posts Page

in #kure6 years ago (edited)

A new page was added, called Kurate. This is to show the kurated posts that have been submitted to the various communities. I was originally working on posting new main content posts to Steem, but after trying over and over to get it to work, I opened a github issue for Steem Connect in the hopes one of the devs can help me figure out why it won't work.

Once I figure out why Steem Connect won't post, I will be another task completed. What's odd is that I got it to work once, but it failed like 20 times before that, and ever time after. It just errors out and won't work. I have no idea why it worked the one time only.

Completed Tasks

  • Kurated posts page

  • Other work done, bug fixes and code improvements

Github commits for work done


Kurated posts page

With more posts to hopefully get added to the site as it gets used more, Kurated is now an option in the menu.

This page shows the most recent posts as a grid layout view by default. When clicking on the View icon, the view will toggle to the list layout view and back to the grid view as desired.

To get the data, the getPosts function is called. The array of posts it returns is then added to the React state, as is the updated isLoading set to false to indicate data retrieval is completed and the loading spinner can be removed to instead show the data.

When the data is shown, there is a toggle option to toggle the view layout and how the post data is displayed. When the View icon is clicked, the showGrid state is change to be the opposite of what it was. True means to show the grid, and false means to show the list.

Finally, the component renders the appropriate grid or list component, and then it's sent to return for display on the website.

Other work

The comment preview was not showing any HTML input as a comment while typing. Instead of using a basic markdown package, I used the component to display main post content which doesn't only deal with markdown. Now HTML can be seen in the comment preview.

For some extra UI/UX candy, I added some icons to the user dropdown menu. Feed, Blog and Logout have some icons to the left, rather than just be text.

I spent a lot of time trying to get the main post content functionality working, but as mentioned above, there is a problem with sending the post to the Steem blockchain via Steem Connect.

Ongoing Tasks

I'm having some trouble with SteemConnect and submitting posts. Hopefully I will resolve it soon to get the posting of content feature working :)

  • Post main story content (regular post)
  • Liking Kurated post submissions in communities
  • Rating Kurated post submissions in communities
  • Edit comments
  • Delete comments
  • Tweak comments (limit to 20, show more option, max nested depth)
  • Implement PRPL Pattern for better performance
  • Viewing comments in their own page view

Additional Tasks

I am adding these tasks to indicate the upcoming work I will be engaging in at some point and in no particular order:

  • Adding infinite scroll to the Home, Communities and Kurated pages

Description: Scrolling to the bottom of the page will load more data to display.
Estimated Cost of Development: 2 hours @ $30/h = $60

  • Adding sort functions to the Home, Communities and Kurated pages

Description: Data to be sorted beyond the default of date created.
Estimated Cost of Development: 3 hours @ $30/h = $90

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Not sure if it is possible, but once you begin feeling you have things where you want them, would it be possible for you to add the ability for authors and/or curators to create folders. An example would be the different posts one makes, like when you were doing your herbs series. That could be one folder, then your Julian Assange posts could be another, etc. I have wanted that for the longest time, and I imagine many others would find it beneficial to be able to classify topics as well.

I get what you mean, by folders you mean custom section on a profile page for users to manage, and others to see? The KURE communities can already serve as a way to do that, but they aren't listed on your page yet. I planned to make custom user pages, which would show the communities one owns and has joined, along with other customization options. Having separate sections for one's own blog, separate from a community, would be useful as well. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll make it happen at some point hehe.

Thank you, that would be such a huge step forward. Old posts get hard to search (can't even imagine trying it in your shoes) and would supercharge our blogs being able to narrow down to categories of topic. Especially if there were some way to order them.

This is absolutely wonderful. Can't wait to try it out; seems like more and more interfaces just keep popping up randomly. This is awesome!

I'm glad you like what you see. Please do go an try it out and let me know what you would like to see developed :)

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