“The Human will is in no wise like the will of lower animals. It asset itself to a fixed purpose and conquer, all the while urging in the progress of its action”. Edmund Shaftesbury
Mind set has just 6 key components:
First: a decision must be taken and a goal established if one truly wants to elevate herself/himself.
Second: the decision and the goal should be definitive.
The more definitive the better. You may make a mistake in choosing your goal and have to change it later on. That can only be regretted as it is a loss of time, energy and money. However, sometimes this is the way to learn. We call this then, a learning experience. Avoid having to many of these.
Third: the route that will lead you to achieve your goal cannot be fully planned nor understood in advance.
Adaptation, discretion, flexibility is wiser and more efficient than stubbornness.
Use stubbornness to not change your mind regarding your ultimate goal. Being too rigid in the way to your goal is counterproductive and breaks down your will power.
Your will power is a living force dancing within you. Too much rigidity literally freezes it and prevent any type of progress.
“You want every possible option available to you at all times to get to your ultimate goal.”
Fourth: don’t think too much, just know what you want.
I insist in the benefit of not thinking too much. Just be strategic and adaptable.
The cat will wait until the right moment to strike his prey. (This exemplify Edmund Shaftesbury’s quote regarding lower animals.) He will not think, he knows what he wants. He is patient, he has one specific vision and idea in mind. He may change his course of action if the elements do not stack up in his favor but will find another way to get to what he wants.
Fifth: don’t get burnt by the challenges you’ll meet as they are part of the deal.
Stay cool on the outside, fresh and relaxed. But on the inside, use fear, anger, greed if necessary and any of these dark forces, to fuel your definiteness of purpose and push yourself more.
Your purpose is hopefully genuine and good for others. But the forces within us human beings can be really mean, harsh and aggressive. The purpose of these type of emotion is to get us going! They may look like not being noble emotions but we are humans, we must deal with that part of us as well. If it serves a purpose that is grand and noble then they are fulfilling their real design and role.
Sixth: there is no process that doesn’t require time. Patience and consistency.