Took a few pics on my day at the la county fair it has changed over the yrs
Emus chilling grazing i hate to see animals in enclosers
Other than that it was a nice day here are a few more pics
I was not about to pay to pet this beautiful girafe
His african friend the zebra did not want to smile for the camera
I look at this monkey he looks like he plotten like he tired of sitting in this cage fair break coming soon run monkey run staring monkey scofeild on fox
This 1 cow i tried getting her to speak so she flicked me the cow tounge lol
Sheep are gentile strong animals laughing at kids scared in petting zoo
My fav animal on the planet african grey parrot and friends
Giant turkey legs on deck 15.00 i can que my own
A wallaby
Big nasty pig
This tortouse reminds me of a few katz i know
Well i reach out to nature and its creations to ennoy myself may u enjoy these photos photos taking with note 8 thank you