How R/Antiwork Came to Be

in #labormarket7 months ago


Oh, is that so, Business Insider?! Interestingly, most of the MSM headlines all proclaim "Prosperous jobs data". ROFL. We are in North Korea over here in US 2024.

Let's see if that data holds up on r/Antiwork:


The employers don't care about the employees. They won't give raises. They won't give time off. They take but don't give.

-- Like an anti-love story, the way the US now stands with regard to employment - it shouldn't hit us as all that surprising.


The employees don't care about the company or the products they produce. The employees that stick around care less and less as they see valuable co workers disillusioned, unrewarded, and unable to keep up with rising inflation and ballooning living costs....leaving these companies, sometimes seemingly unexpectedly! Attrition grows, resentment grows, tardiness and flakiness explodes!

Such a careless and heartless thing is a corporation: never taking note of those people that make it function in the first place!


Add a plethora of cut-throat disposable labor apps like Uber, Lyft and many others - you get a very, very bitter crowd of laborers. No way is it sustainable to churn through humans as this heartless, coreless system has. Yet here we are.

Without personal pride, loyalty, what sort of society and person now inhabits the most critical posts in US society?

--Nay, what of the most disposable positions, what sort of individual is molded for these??


The Fiddle Worker is hatching


I think we are hatching the fiddle workers! They will probably be a very different kind than those of the 2000s. They will leave for any reason, they will not do the work for any reason, they will do a terrible job because they hate their employer by default, even their government paycheck will not alay the poison that is the jobs market in the US.